Karol Tiemersma
AP Staff - Fitness, Skill and Activity "FIT" Course Coordinator
Office: KHS 4540M
Phone: (616) 331-8890
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: By Appointment
B.S. Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Aquinas College
M.A. Organizational Communication, Western Michigan University
State of Michigan Professional Education Certification Health, Physical Education, and Recreation - Grade K-12
State of Michigan Professional Education Certification Speech - Grades 9-12
Wellness Coach
Active Living Every Day Facilitator
Red Cross CPR/AED
Online/Hybrid Course Development (IDEL)
Courses Taught:
FIT 114: Fitness Walking
FIT 119: Outdoor Skills
FIT 131: Basketball
FIT 138: Unified Sports
FIT 139: Team Sports
FIT 144: Badminton
FIT 200: Physical Activity for Wellness