Photo Gallery

2024 Spanish Honor Society (Sigma Delta Pi) (27 Photos)

2023 Spanish Honor Society (Sigma Delta Pi) (26 Photos)

April 12, 2022 German Club Event (3 Photos)

German Club hosted an event with guest speakers from Germany.  Ranja talked about becoming a translator and what the translation business entails.  Three German students who are studying abroad here at GVSU this year talked about preconceptions and culture shock.

March 30, 2022 Medley Event (61 Photos)

2021 Annual MLL Fall Picnic (24 Photos)

Due to Covid-19, we did not have our 2020 Fall Picnic. This year, we had our annual MLL picnic back. It was held on Saturday, August 28 at our staff's backyard.

2019 Language Festival (17 Photos)

Arabic Study Abroad (8 Photos)

Chinese Study Abroad (15 Photos)

French Study Abroad (12 Photos)

German Study Abroad (7 Photos)