Laker Marching Band Calendar

Pregame Music Memorization Videos Due

Pregame Music Memorization Videos Due

Date and Time

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Each wind & percussion member (including section leaders) will send an e-mail to [email protected] that contains hyperlinks to “unlisted” Youtube videos that show you playing your part to different sections of Pregame music memorized. Please review the "Youtube Video Uploading" instructions on the Youtube site or contact your section leader for assistance.     

  1. You must face the camera and be at least 6 feet away from camera.
  2. Take the marked tempos for each tune and have a metronome ticking during your videos.
    • Video 1 – Pregame A (mm=140), Alma Mater (mm=88), National Anthem (mm=96)
    • Video 2 – Pregame B (mm=140), Pregame C (mm=104), Pregame D (mm=140)
    • Video 3 – Pregame E (mm=140), Pregame F (mm=140), Pregame G (mm=140), #38 GVSU Tag (mm=132)
  3. Video Links e-mail due between August 6 to August 15


Dr. Martin
[email protected]


This event also occurs on 8/6/18, 8/7/18, 8/9/18, 8/10/18, 8/11/18, 8/12/18, 8/13/18, 8/14/18 and 8/15/18

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Page last modified August 13, 2018