Podcasts About Water

It seems like there are podcasts about anything these days, and there's no shortage of water-based podcasts. Likewise, there is no shortage of podcasts on related topics such as sustainability and industry. Check out some of the podcasts below!

from theh2duo.com

Water in Real Life

The H2Duo describe their podcast: 

"The world of water is full of specs and quantitative data–parts per million, parts per billion, telemetry, hydraulics, return on investment. These specs and data are vital to providing the world with safe, clean drinking water and sanitation services. They look good on paper. They are required in the interdepartmental conversations of routine municipal life. But they aren’t enough. They aren’t memorable. They don’t resonate. They don’t inspire. We created the Water in Real Life podcast because we believe that the future lies not only in specifications and data but also in the space between people passionate about moving things forward. Stories fill these spaces."

from bluefieldresearch.com

The Water Values Podcast

"The Water Values Podcast series is presented in collaboration with Bluefield Research. This podcast series explores water issues from a variety of perspectives with the goal of uncovering the true value of water. Each episode will delve into one aspect of water, such as water utilities, water treatment, water resources, water reuse, and more."

waterless podcast logo


Waterless contributes to the global water conversation by giving voice to, and advocating for, everyone across the world who is water disadvantaged.” 



sustainabiliME podcast logo


sustainabiliME is a showcase of stories, projects, and ideas "related to sustainability and the environment as well as discuss at least one thing the average person could consider implementing in their own life related to sustainability."

what's up with water podcast logo

What's Up With Water?

"What's Up With Water condenses need-to-know news on the world’s water into a snapshot at the start of the week. This podcast is a ‘heads-up’ on water stories at the start of the week, so that you can track the developments and trends in the days ahead."

Page last modified May 25, 2021