Events and Learning Opportunities

eLearning Seminars
The eLearning Technologies team offers a variety of workshops for those interested in learning GVSU's Blackboard learning management system, web conferencing tools, Panopto video streaming, Ally accessibility features, and other tools for enhancing your teaching. The team also offers sessions on more pedagogically-focused topics, such as:
- Social and instructor presence in online courses
- Formative assessment techniques and tools to assess student learning
- Glue them to their Seats: Redeeming PowerPoint through neuroscience and good design

eLearn On Demand
eLearn On Demand workshops are the same content we offer as in person and webinar-based sessions, but with the additional convenience of working through content at your own pace and on your own schedule. Each workshop is delivered through Blackboard as a series of readings, videos, and hands-on activities. Some of our offerings include:
- Blackboard Grade Center
- Glue Them to Their Seats
- Instructional Videos with Panopto
- Interactive Instruction with 3rd Party Tools
- Sneaky Slides
- Zoom 101

Interested in teaching an online or hybrid course? The eLearning Technologies team offers a fully self-paced, online training course called Foundations of Online and Hybrid Course Development. This course will help you meet University certification requirements for teaching online and hybrid courses.
More information about Foundations, along with instructions for signing-up, can be found on the Foundations page.
Special Development Opportunities
Faculty Learning Communities
Each semester, IDeL's instructional designers facilitate a series of Faculty Learning Communities to help hybrid and online faculty share their experiences and best practices.
Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium
Each Spring, Grand Valley's Teaching & Learning with Technology Symposium provides an opportunity for faculty to showcase how they're putting technology to use in their teaching. Faculty and staff from across the university gather for this afternoon of fun, food, and presentations.
Other Opportunities for Development
Online Learning Consortium
Need professional development opportunities that better fit your schedule? Consider the Online Learning Consortium workshops. Formerly known as the Sloan Consortium, the OLC is a recognized name in online learning; their workshops cover a variety of topics in instructional technology and are offered online.