
Lindsay Chervinsky: Presidents' Day Celebration

Linda Chavez

Date and Time

Wednesday, February 23, 2022 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


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Charles W. Loosemore Auditorium

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Until the passing of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, February 22 was federally recognized as Washington’s Birthday. Now the third Monday of February, also known as Presidents’ Day, traditionally honoring Washington and Lincoln, has grown to encompass the best practices of the presidency, not to mention a weekend of deals. The day allows Americans to pull from the founding fathers’ wisdom and apply the lessons of their day to the ills plaguing ours. Presidents Day, especially in our current climate, must be more than an opportunity to be patriotic and save a few bucks. 

In observance of this year’s Presidents’ Day, the Hauenstein Center and our partners at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation, Library & Museum, are pleased to welcome Lindsay Chervinsky, Senior Fellow at the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University and author of The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of An American Institution, to Grand Valley State University for our annual celebration of Presidents’ Day. 


This event also appears on the main events calendar tagged as academic, alumni, hauenstein, and president.


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(616) 331-2770

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Page last modified February 23, 2022