Herb Meyer: What in the World is Going on? A Global Intelligence Briefing

October 7, 2014 

Look beyond today’s headlines, and you will see a world that is more prosperous and more peaceful than most people are expecting. In this global overview, Herb Meyer – the Reagan Administration intelligence official who first predicted the Soviet Union’s collapse – explained what really lies behind the current Middle East turmoil and why today so many countries are emerging from poverty and creating stable middle-class societies. Above all, he outlined the great challenges – and the great opportunities – that await students as they complete their education and head out into the world. In this return visit to Grand Rapids, Meyer drew on his expertise to share insights into the world’s constantly changing geopolitical landscape.

This event was in partnership with the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum, and Foundation.

Watch the lecture here.

Page last modified November 11, 2020