Academic advisors traveled to Spain with a delegation from the Padnos
International Center last semester.
Six academic advisors traveled to Spain last semester to better
understand the study abroad experience and to promote international
education to students.
The delegation was led by Padnos International Center staff Meaghann
Smith, study abroad advisor, and Andres Ortiz-Estevez, coordinator of
international student services.
They visited GVSU's exchange partner institution, Carlos III in
Madrid, along with study abroad programs and campuses in Málaga and Seville.
“This trip aimed to provide staff members with valuable experiences
for personal and professional development while exploring the rich
culture and educational opportunities in Spain,” Ortiz-Estevez said.
Shannon Zakalik, an academic advisor at the Seidman College of
Business, said her goal for the trip was to relay her first-hand
experiences to students.
“I knew this trip would help me relate to students about the
interactions and encounters they will have abroad,” Zakalik said.
“This experience has heightened my understanding of what our current
international students navigate daily here at Grand Valley.”
Moving forward, Ortiz-Estevez said trips like this can strengthen
someone's cultural awareness. “By traveling and engaging with
different educational models, faculty and staff bring back ideas that
can improve international programs, making GVSU a more resourceful
place for students from around the world,” he said.
Zakalik said what she learned from her time in Spain will not be soon forgotten.
“It was beneficial to be pushed outside of my comfort zone and
experience a culture outside of my daily norm,” she said. “I now have
the confidence to identify both exchange and provider programs that
would be well suited for students within the Seidman College of Business.”