Majors Fair

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Location: Grand River Room, Kirkhof Center

The Majors Fair offers an opportunity for students to explore major choice options with faculty from various departments across the University. This event provides an informal way for students to engage with faculty members to discuss major choices and future career opportunities. Our alumni are invited to participate which gives students an opportunity to network and learn about the world of work.

Louie is very worried about not being able to find a major at GVSU! Luckily, his friends know just the right event that can ease Louie's head. Eventually, Louie and the gang arrive at the Majors Fair! He is impressed with all the majors and their booths available to him. With all this help, he finally is able to select a major.

Students asking questions about their path at the Major's Fair

Majors Fair Objectives

  • Provide information about academic majors to current GVSU students who are exploring/undecided or are considering secondary and competitive admission programs.
  • Assist students in choosing a major so they can declare and set up an academic plan earlier, preferably before scheduling classes for the upcoming semesters.
  • Provide a less formal environment for students to talk to faculty, professional staff, and alumni about majors and career options.
  • Provide an opportunity for students to learn more about career opportunities related to specific majors from faculty members and the Career Center.

Event Details

  • November 12th, 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
  • In-person event.
  • Hosted on the second floor of Kirkhof Center in the Grand River room.
  • All majors at GVSU will be represented with info to share.
  • Alumni will be available to talk with you about how majors can lead to a variety of career options.
  • Great way to explore and make connections!
Professor helping student understand the elements of a major they are curious about.

Page last modified September 18, 2024