Welcome to Experience Matters!

A collection of internship and co-op experiences completed by Grand Valley students.

Grand Valley students are doing amazing things through professional experiences outside the classroom. This site gives viewers an inside look at these experiences. See some spotlighted experiences below, or click on View Experiences above to find more!

Experience Matters Experience List

Health & Wellness

Maria, Health Professions

Some of the tasks I completed while at my internship include, but are not exclusive to-entering class evaluations into the computer, writing features for weekly emails, registering people for classes,...

Case Management Program Intern

Jessica, Psychology

As an intern I played a supportive role to the case manager. My duties included support in job coaching to help employees successfully handle on-the-job conflicts and other barriers to employment....

Game-Day Intern

Joeb, Sport Management

We were tasked with the preparation and carrying out of in-game tasks such as promotions, give aways, mopping court, assisting home and visitor benches, and the setup and tear down of advertising banners.

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Page last modified June 5, 2015