Coopersville Rec


Coopersville Rec

Experience Information

Employer: Coopersville Recreation
Job Title: Assistant Coach/ Referee
Major: Sport Management
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Coopersville Recreation is an organization where the community comes together with children's sports. They teach the youth a passion for sports and help keep them from spending time on destructive behavior. Participants gain increased cognitive and psychomotor skills. The parents are the most helpful because they are the ones who are coaching these young people. They are big on Respect!

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

While doing my internship for the Fall sports I started as an assistant coach for the 3rd and 4th grade girls' basketball team as well as a referee for the 1st and 2nd boys and girls' basketball teams. For Spring sports I helped with Soccer and Softball with setting up and assisting Matt in anything he needed. Last I also helped with TikTok by posting videos and showcasing the kids' talents.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I found out what coaches go through behind the scenes, the process of having meetings, coming up with teams, dealing with parents, how to interact with younger girls, and the planning process that a director has to go through. Matt taught me how to persuade someone to coach as well.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part was having the experience of coaching younger girls, especially at the games I feel like the girls thought I was a great coach. I was nervous at first but I built a good relationship with them as well as the head coach. Seeing them grow as better basketball players was great to see.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has influenced my future career goals because I want to become a Basketball coach in the future as well as an Athletic Director. I have seen what it will be like coaching younger girls. Also, seeing what Matt goes through as a Director of the Rec shows me how it will be as an Athletic Director. Nothing is easy but seeing other people doing what I want to do in the future helps me in many ways.

Internship Format

Hybrid (some in person and some remote)

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