
Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2max Testing)

Maximal oxygen consumption can help determine the oxygen consumed and the body’s ability to use it as energy. The test will bring the participant to a maximal level of cardiovascular fitness before they fatigue. No other single laboratory test has been used as frequently to indicate a person’s aptitude for success in aerobic events. It can be used to help create exercise plans, compare athletes, and even mark improvements.


Lactate Threshold Testing

Lactate threshold has been used by endurance athletes to monitor and compare performance capability. It has also been shown that training at the threshold has helped provide a positive stimulus for inducing endurance-oriented physiological alterations. Knowing an athlete’s lactate threshold can be especially useful in developing training plans. A higher lactate threshold indicates the body’s ability to better preserve carbohydrate stores when working at high intensities.


Running Economy

Running Economy Description

Page last modified January 26, 2019