2023 Order of the Engineer Ceremony
5:00PM August 4, 2023
In this ceremony, initiates are invited to accept the Obligation of the Engineer and a stainless-steel ring, fostering a spirit of pride and responsibility in the engineering profession. Initiates join Link 134 of the Order of the Engineer. The School of Engineering also takes this time to recognize the accomplishments of our graduating students.

Entry to the ceremony room is by ticket only. Please make sure to bring your ticket!
L.V. Eberhard Center, room 215
301 Fulton Street W, Grand Rapids MI, 49504
Free parking is available at the Fulton Lot and the Seward Parking Lot Ramp. Accessible parking is also available at the Eberhard Lot.

Obligation of an Engineer
"I am an Engineer. In my profession I take deep pride. To it I owe solemn obligations. As an Engineer, I pledge to practice integrity and fair dealing, tolerance and respect; and to uphold devotion to the standards and the dignity of my profession, conscious always that my skill carries with it the obligation to serve humanity by making the best use of the Earth’s precious wealth. As an Engineer, I shall participate in none but honest enterprises. When needed, my skill and knowledge shall be given without reservation for the public good. In the performance of duty and in fidelity to my profession, I shall give my utmost."