Teacher Internship Application

Please read the directions on this page before beginning your application.

The link to access the Teacher Internship application form is at the bottom of this page.

General Information for Teacher Internship Applicants

  • Applications for Winter 2025 are due by September 15th, 2024.
  • Upon receipt of your completed Teacher Internship application packet, you will receive a confirmation email from GVSU.

Application Requirements


  1. Updated Resume
    • Must include:
      • Three references.
      • Teacher Apprenticeship experience listed (and Teacher Internship if you are in the Special Education program).
      • Your current email address.
    • Please use this resume template as a reference.
  2. Prerequisite Courses
    • Completion of all Teacher Apprenticeship courses with a grade of B- or better 
    • Maintaining a 2.70 GPA overall and in your major(s) and minors(s); 3.0 is required for Language Arts, Group Social Studies History, English, and Art Education.
  3. If you are a world language major (Secondary majors and Elementary minors), you must complete your Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) with an Advanced Low or higher score.
  4. Internship Application
    • Includes opportunities to update addresses, contact information, and felony and misdemeanor background history.

Page last modified July 22, 2024