Charter Scholar Support Assessment

This tool will be used by the Charter Schools Office to identify areas where additional support and programming may be beneficial for student success. Your responses are anonymous unless you chose to disclose your personal information. Thank you in advance for your participation!

* denotes a required field

Please select the degree to which you agree / disagree with the following...

I know how to navigate the support resources offered at GVSU *

I would like to improve my academic skills *

I would like to improve my career / professional skills *

I feel that my GPA accurately reflects my academic effort *

Factors that Impact Academic Performance (Select all that apply)

The following personal challenges impact my performance as a student: *

The following major/ career factors impact my performance as a sudent *

The following academic challenges impact my performance as a student *

Desired programming / assistance (Select all that apply)

I need more support / assistance with *

Additional Comments / Feedback

Personal Information (Optional)

Providing personal information can be helpful for our data purposes or if you would like targeted support based on your needs. Your responses will not be used against you in any way and will only be used by our Charter Scholar Specialist to provide students with support and relevant programs.   

I would like the Charter Scholars Specialist to reach out to me about my responses

Human Verification *

Page last modified March 11, 2024