Undergraduate Program
Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) is focused on determining how cells function and the significance of those functions in the living organism. This interdisciplinary study draws on diverse fields such as biochemistry, biophysics, genetics and developmental biology and is the basis for many applied fields including biotechnology, pharmacology, and biomedicine. The Bachelor of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology at Grand Valley prepares students for employment or graduate training in the critically important and dynamic fields of cell and molecular genetics, biotechnology and biomedical research.
The major requires core courses that address issues specific to cell and molecular biology, which are supplemented by courses from the biology, biomedical sciences, chemistry and physics departments. A unique and critical part of Grand Valley's CMB degree is the student's participation in independent research/internship. Each student will have a research mentor from CMB or another participating GVSU department or from an area business or research institute, ensuring that students will get practical experience conducting original research in their area of interest. This practical experience, in addition to the demanding curriculum, can be critical assets for success in the workforce or graduate programs after graduation.
Many upper-level classes in the CMB degree have several prerequisites, thus it is important for students to begin their chemistry, biology and physics course sequences as early as possible. Students who wish to major in cell and molecular biology should see a member of the CMB faculty to plan their program of study as soon as possible.
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CMB students playing biotech games
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