Thank you for all that attended! Stay tuned for info on Winter 2025!

overhead view
large group of people

What is Campus Life Night?

The best spot on campus to...

get involved and learning something new about GVSU! 

Student worker welcomes student to the event and hands them a water bottle

Why should you go to Campus Life Night?

Make Connections

Meet your new community at Campus Life Night through the 300+ student organizations, campus departments, and local businesses/non-profits in attendance at the event. This is a great time to hear what everyone has planned for the fall semester and beyond!

Women shows the bag giveaway

Free Stuff and Activities!

Tons of games, activities, and free stuff will be offered at different tables. This is the place to get your free GV swag! Prizes vary from:

  • Cups
  • Bags
  • Shirts
  • Candy
  • and more...
students hold up signs in the crowd
students talking
Two students take a selfie with the president of GVSU
rowing students on the ERG
student laughing

Campus Life Night is coordinated by the Office of Student Life, which is a department of the Division of Student Affairs of Grand Valley State University.

Page last modified August 27, 2024