
Our Water, Our Future

March 02, 2011

Our Water, Our Future

The Lib Studies Department and Meredith Osborne are putting on a panelĀ  to discuss the question of "water" as a significant issue facing us in the future. Many of you probably know that wealthy investors have been buying up water rights all over the world, as T. Boone Pickens says - water is the next oil.

The panel will discuss "Our Water, Our Future: The Privatization and Pollution of Regional Water Sources." Panelist are: Dr. Mark Luttenton (GVSU Biology Dept). Uma Mishra (alum went to Ghana as part of the Honors work there), Jeff Smith (journalist and community activist) and Eric DeLong, GR Deputy City Manager.

Please encourage your students to come and consider bringing your class!

Event: Wednesday, March 2nd, 1:00-2:30 p.m. in the Pere Marquette Room. Light refreshments will be provided.

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Page last modified March 2, 2011