July 2016 Newsletter
A Closer Look #162

GVSU 2016 Enrichment Award Presentation
Robert (Bob) Annis was honored posthumously at GVSU’s Annual Enrichment Dinner with the university’s highest award. An Indianapolis native, Bob claimed that “everything I’ve done is just making a hobby pay”. That modest statement refers to his professional success in creating the R.B. Annis Company, which he led for more than 72 years and is still successful today. Teaching himself, Bob became a national expert in magnetics and precision balancing instruments, providing advice to the U.S. military and major corporations who brought him their most difficult challenges.
Early in his life, Bob joined the Scientech Club with a number of prominent Indiana scientists including Eli Lilly, Elwood Haines, and Frank Wade. He later served as board member and president, leading the club to develop a foundation and to participate in the Central Indiana Regional Science Fair, fostering scientific education for thousands of 4th through 12th-grade students. He also served on the Indianapolis Board of Education, received the Indianapolis Scientific and Engineering Foundation Community Service Award, and was named a ‘Sagamore of the Wabash’, the highest honor Indiana confers.
It was his friendship with fellow Scientech Club member and mentor D.J. Angus, and frequent travels to Michigan for boating on the Great Lakes with D.J., which ultimately connected Bob with Grand Valley State University. D.J. decided, shortly before his death, to give his boat the Angus to Grand Valley for a floating Lake Michigan classroom. Later, Bob and the Angus-Scientech Foundation provided funding for its upkeep and supported the purchase of the D.J. Angus, successor to the original Angus, and the W.J. Jackson which was later added to the fleet.
Bob’s personal encouragement and gifts were instrumental in the establishment and development of the university’s water resources institute, GVSU’s first applied research organization. In 1997, the institute was named the Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute (AWRI) in his honor. The R.B. Annis Educational Foundation was established in 1997 and continues to support the institute including generous support for the Robert B. Annis Field Station in 2013. In recognition and appreciation of these efforts, the university awarded Bob Annis an honorary Doctor of Science degree on October 22, 1993.
Bob’s lifetime of generosity and scientific discovery have given him a far-reaching legacy. Grand Valley and West Michigan are fortunate to be a part of that enduring effect.
To view a video of this event, please follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1u_SNdznKA
LMC Activities
Deborah Dila, graduate student who worked with Bopi Biddanda, successfully completed her master’s thesis defense on July 8. The title of her presentation was: From land to lake: Contrasting microbial processes across a Great Lakes gradient of organic carbon and inorganic nutrient inventories.
Emily Kindervater, graduate student working with Al Steinman, successfully passed her qualifying exam on July 26. Committee members include Al Steinman, Rick Rediske, Mark Luttenton, and Jennifer Tank (University of Notre Dame).
Al Steinman participated in a Great Lakes Advisory Board/Science Information Subcommittee meeting held in Sheboygan, WI on July 20– 21.
Anthony Weinke, graduate student working with Bopi Biddanda, successfully completed his master’s thesis defense on July 20. The title of his presentation was: Green and choking: Exploring the dynamics of seasonal productivity and hypoxia in a Great Lakes area of concern and habitat blueprint estuary using time-series measurements.
Presentations & Publications
AWRI staff are bolded, undergraduate students are denoted with a single asterisk*, graduate students are denoted with two asterisks**, and post-doc researchers are donated with three asterisks ***.
Bopi Biddanda was a co-author of an article published in Aquatic Geochemistry:
Baskaran, M., T. Novell, K. Nash, S. Ruberg, T. Johengen, N. Hawley, J. Klump, and B. Biddanda. 2016. Tracing the seepage of subsurface sinkhole vent waters into Lake Huron using radium and stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen. Aquatic Geochemistry 22: 349-374.
Jared Homola, former graduate student who worked with Carl Ruetz, had a manuscript accepted for publication by the Journal of Fish Biology. Carl is a co-author.
Homola, J.J.**, C.R. Ruetz III, S.L. Kohler, and R.A. Thum. In press. Complex post-glacial recolonization inferred from population genetic structure of mottled sculpin Cottus bairdii in tributaries of eastern Lake Michigan, U.S.A. Journal of Fish Biology.
(Presenter listed first)
Scott Kendall and Katie Ringler (graduate student) gave a presentation to visiting high school students from Shiga, Japan on July 25. The title of their presentation was: Introduction to Muskegon Lake Observatory and time-series environmental data analysis.
Charlyn Partridge presented at the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE) in Exeter, England held July 28 – August 1.
Partridge, C.G., G. Chorak**, M.D. MacManes, R. Knapp, and B.D. Neff. Oral. Brain transcriptional profiles of alternative reproductive tactics in bluegill sunfish.
Al Steinman presented at an event hosted by GVSU University Development and held at the Muskegon Country Club on July 12. Graduate student Suse LaGory also presented.
Al Steinman presented to the Michigan Agricultural Business Association Leadership program on July 27. Janet Vail and Al also gave tours of the facility.
Janet Vail facilitated a MEECS Air Quality Workshop at Hope College on July 11. This was part of an energy workshop arranged by WMEAC.
Awards & Recognition
There were no new awards and recognition for this issue. Check again next month!
Grants & Contracts
There were no new grants and contracts for this issue. Check again next month!
News & Events
AWRI In the News
“Invasive species creep into local rivers, could be in Boardman”
The Record Eagle (Traverse City), July 3, 2016
Mark Luttenton discovered the New Zealand mudsnails while doing research on the Au Sable River.
“Executive director of water institute receives top community honor”
MLive, July 4, 2016
Al Steinman recently received the Patricia B. Johnson Award for Community Leadership and Innovative Grantmaking at the Community Foundation for Muskegon County Annual Gathering and Reception on June 28.
“Research vessel tours return to Celebrate White Lake, July 16”
Shorelinemedia.net (Ludington Daily News, Oceana’s Herald-Journal, and White Lake Beacon), July 5, 2016.
The AWRI research vessel W. G. Jackson was in White Lake for the annual Celebrate White Lake event on July 16. Three free lake sampling tours were offered, and open houses while at the dock.
“Help restore the Macatawa watershed”
WOODTV.com, July 5, 2016
On July 9 there was a Macatawa Water Festival held at Windmill Island. AWRI had a booth there, manned by science instructors Paula Capizzi and Michele Smith.
“GVSU water institute director gets top honor”
Muskegon Chronicle, July 6, 2016
Al Steinman recently received the Patricia B. Johnson Award for Community Leadership and Innovative Grantmaking at the Community Foundation for Muskegon County Annual Gathering and Reception on June 28.
“Alan Steinman recognized leader”
Goodwill Industries of West Michigan, July 2016 newsletter
Al Steinman recently received the Patricia B. Johnson Award for Community Leadership and Innovative Grantmaking at the Community Foundation for Muskegon County Annual Gathering and Reception on June 28.
LMC Events
July 6
Students from the City of Muskegon’s summer CATCH camp program in the McLaughlin neighborhood visited the Annis Educational Foundation Classroom for hands-on activities and took a vessel cruise on the W.G. Jackson.
July 14
Students from the Newaygo County True North Community Services Project FOCUS (For Our Children's Ultimate Success) visited the Annis Educational Foundation Classroom for hands-on activities and took a vessel cruise on the W.G. Jackson.
July 19
The Michigan Wildlife Council held a public meeting at the Lake Michigan Center.
July 25
High school students from Michigan State University’s Great Lakes area and Japan’s Shiga Prefecture visited the Annis Educational Foundation Classroom for hands-on activities and took a vessel cruise on the D.J. Angus.
July 27
The Michigan Agri-Business Association (MABA) held a leadership program at the Lake Michigan Center.
July 28
The Muskegon Lake Watershed Partnership held a public meeting at the Lake Michigan Center.
July 29
Middle school students from the Michigan Women’s Foundation University of Life program visited the Annis Educational Foundation Classroom for hands-on activities and enjoyed a tour of the AWRI.