Course Repeat Request Procedures

  1. Complete the Registration Repeat Limit Approval Form.
  2. Write a repeat request appeal letter. The letter should be addressed to Paul Stephenson, Chair of the Department of Statistics. (Important guidelines for composing your letter are included on the back of this page)
  3. Submit the Repeat Request Form along with the Appeal Letter to the Department of Statistics Office (MAK A1178). 
  4. The request will be evaluated by the Department Chair within approximately 2 business days.
  5. Approved requests will not be forwarded to the records office: students must pick up their forms in the department office (MAK A1178) and deliver to the Records Office for registration.


Repeat Request Appeal Letter

In developing your letter to request to repeat a course, you will need to provide detailed and specific information regarding your request. Please use the following outline when developing your letter: 

  1. Do not use this letter to blame others for the situation – take responsibility for the circumstances in which you find yourself. 
    • It is assumed that you will be honest. If you made some mistakes, admit it and accept responsibility. 
  2. Why do you need to repeat the course? 
    • What were the reason(s) you were unsuccessful the first two times you took the course? 
  3. What steps will you take to ensure that the need for this type of an exception won’t be necessary in the future?
    • What do you plan to do differently to ensure you successfully complete the course this time?


Approval Form

Get the Repeat Limit Approval Form

About Structured Learning Assistance

Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) is an academic support program that is attached to historically difficult courses. SLA features weekly study and practice workshops in which students master course content to develop and apply specific learning strategies. The workshops are led by trained facilitators, who in collaboration with the faculty develop workshop materials. Workshops meet from one to three hours per week throughout the semester and are optional once the student achieves a grade of C or higher in the course. The additional hours are formally attached to the student’s schedule and are offered at no additional charge.

Please note: If this request is approved you will be required to take one of the Structured Learning Assistance sections which are offered in Fall and Winter. 

Page last modified November 7, 2014