Upcoming Events

Exam Cram - Winter 2018

Exam Cram - Winter 2018

Date and Time

Friday, April 20, 2018 1:00 AM - 1:00 AM


Free Events for Students (with Student ID)

We know you're studying hard for finals! Adding some yoga and massage to your routine may actually help you perform better. Learn more about the benefits of stress-reducing activities by contacting the Counseling CenterCampus Recreation and Health and Wellness.

Download the printable schedule!

More information can be found at gvsu.edu/examcram



For more information, please visit: http://www.gvsu.edu/examcram


[email protected]


This event also occurs on 4/15/18, 4/16/18, 4/17/18, 4/18/18, 4/19/18, 4/21/18, 4/22/18, 4/23/18, 4/24/18 and 4/25/18

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Page last modified April 17, 2018