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Spring Break Tennessee Backpacking Trip

Spring Break Tennessee Backpacking Trip

Date and Time

Saturday, March 2, 2019


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Join GVSU Outdoor Adventures to experience the natural wonders of Tennessee's Cumberland Plateau at South Cumberland State Park. This 11,500-acre Tennessee state park remains one of the last true wilderness areas left in the South.

Over the course of  5 days on trail you will traverse 30 miles through the Cumberland Plateau experiencing the natural area that encompasses the Collins River, Big Creek, and Savage Creek gorges ~ locally known as gulfs ~ and the surrounding plateau. Within the park, the creeks descend more than 800 feet and have carved sheer cliffs out of the layered sandstone. The view from these cliffs rivals any you will find in the Smoky Mountains. Among the unique features of the Savage Gulf area is the Stone Door, a crack in the rock 10 feet wide and 100 feet deep that provides access from the escarpment to the gorge below. This natural passageway was used for centuries by Native American Indians traversing the wilderness area. There are truly breathtaking views from the Stone Door and the many overlooks along the plateau trails.

Throughout your GVSU Outdoor Adventures expedition, you will learn skills that actually prepare you for life after course. These transferable skills begin to take shape on trail - like collaborating with others as a part of a team, caring for yourself and others on course by preparing meals and building your shelter each night and overcoming challenges that at first seemed insurmountable but in the end were achievable. These skills travel with you back home, to school or to your workplace and help you succeed with new perspective and the discovery that there is more in you than you know. 

Join us, as we adventure down south!

Early Bird (01/18/2019) = $250
Regular Price = $300

Depart:  Saturday March 2nd 2019 at 7am
Return:  Thursday March 7th 2019 at 6pm
Included:  Transportation, campsite,dinner, and technical gear as needed. 

Required Pre-Trip Meetings: Wednesday February 20th @ 7pm in FH Room 16
                                 Friday March 1st @ 6pm in FH Room 16

Instructions:  The van will leave from the Fieldhouse circle drive (across from Mackinac hall.  Participants should plan to arrive by 6:45am. 

Packing List:  Will be provided after registration. 

Meals:  GVSU Outdoor Adventures will provide a group dinner for each night.  Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are participant responsibility.  

**Outdoor Adventures has a no alcohol policy for trips**


For more information or questions, please contact:

Kaileigh Hennard
Outdoor Adventures Program Coordinator 
[email protected]


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Page last modified January 7, 2019