Sample Curriculum

Sample Curriculum

Sample Curriculum

First Year

  • If needed, WRT 150 and MTH 110
  • One or two general education courses in arts and/or philosophy and literature
  • One or two science general education courses
  • One historical perspectives general education course
  • Electives (or foreign language [Choose foreign language if choosing B.A., which requires third-semester proficiency in a foreign language])
  • PLS 102 - American Government and Politics (Counts for general education social science) Credits: 3
  • PLS 103 - Issues in World Politics (Counts for general education social and behavioral science and world perspectives) Credits: 3
  • One general education social and behavioral science course from another discipline (We recommend ECO 210 Introductory Macroeconomics or 211 Introductory Microeconomics as these courses are good background for PLS 315 International Political Economy, an option for the BS.)

Second Year

  • PLS 211 – International Relations Credits: 3 (Can be taken first year)
  • PLS 231 Classical Political Thought or PLS 232 Modern Political Thought Credits: 3
  • Two additional political science courses at 200–300 level, chosen from the categories in the major
  • Two general education courses (U.S. Diversity, mathematical sciences [We recommend STA 215 for students choosing B.S.], or any remaining requirements)
  • Electives (or foreign language)
  • Additional writing skills if needed
  • If choosing B.S.: STA 215 - Introductory Applied Statistics (Counts for general education mathematical sciences) Credits: 3
    PLS 300 - Political Analysis Credits: 3 (Note: You must take STA 215 before PLS 300.)

Third Year

  • Three or four political science courses at 200–300 level
  • Completion of general education courses (themes, and Supplemental Writing Skills (SWS) course if needed; note PLS 495 will count as one of two SWS courses)
  • Electives
  • Political science internship
  • If choosing B.S., PLS 350 (upon completion of both STA 215 and PLS 300)

Fourth Year

  • PLS 495 Capstone
  • Political science internship and/or study abroad
  • Any remaining major or university requirements, and electives

The flexibility in course selection makes it important for students to seek the advice of a faculty member in the department when choosing courses to fit their specific needs and interests. No sample curriculum will be appropriate for everyone, although these general guidelines should be helpful to nearly everyone. It is also assumed that some counseling will take place to match the curriculum with career plans. We strongly recommend study abroad and an internship.

Page last modified May 20, 2021