
"Fighting the Politics of Illusion: Technology, Democracy and the Public Good" talk by Professor Ed Tywoniak

Professor Ed Tywoniak

Date and Time

Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Anyone who considers themselves a member of “Gen Z,” or those who are concerned with technology, democracy, and the public good, are invited to Edward E. Tywoniak‘s James W. Carey Memorial Lecture on Wednesday, September 26th.

Tywoniak’s talk is titled “Fighting the Politics of Illusion: Technology, Democracy and the Public Good,” and it will address the current political climate and its relationship to technical, cultural, and social change.

Tywoniak’s talk is the 8th in the series named for the pioneering communication studies scholar Carey, and reflects his belief that “problems of communication are linked to problems of community, to problems surrounding the kinds of communities we create.”


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Page last modified August 27, 2018