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Academic Governance

BOT 3.1.4


3.1.4 Academic Governance The University Academic Senate (UAS) is the highest faculty governance body. It has the authority to deal with any academic issue or faculty concern. It makes recommendations to the Provost and/or the President. Senate membership consists of faculty members elected from and by the regular tenured and tenure-track faculty of each College and the University Libraries, faculty members selected from and by the affiliate faculty, and students selected by the Student Senate, including the President of the Student Senate. The Provost and designees and the Deans (of any rank) are members ex officio, non-voting.

UAS Regular Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Membership: Members are elected from and by the regular tenured and tenure-track faculty of each College and the University Libraries as determined by the following formula:

1-19 regular tenured and tenure-track faculty = 1 member
20-39 regular tenured and tenure-track faculty = 2 members
40-59 regular tenured and tenure-track faculty = 3 members
60-79 regular tenured and tenure-track faculty = 4 members
80-99 regular tenured and tenure-track faculty = 5 members, and so forth

Terms of office are three years, staggered for the University Libraries and Colleges with more than one member. Senators must have regular tenured or tenure-track faculty status and will only represent one College. Formal joint appointment equivalency can be counted toward representation totals. Regular tenured and tenure-track faculty will be counted on the first class day of the winter semester of the preceding academic year.

UAS Affiliate Faculty Membership: Two members are selected by the affiliate faculty in accordance with written procedures in the UAS Bylaws. Senators must have affiliate faculty status.

UAS Student Membership: The Student Senate selects five members, including the Student Senate President and four representatives, one of whom shall be a graduate student, in accordance with the written Student Senate constitution and bylaws. Student members serve one-year terms.

UAS Administrative Membership: The Provost and designees, and the Deans (of any rank) are members ex officio, non-voting.

The Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) serves as the clearing house for matters to be presented to the UAS. Such matters are discussed by ECS before its recommendations are made to the Senate. ECS membership consists of regular tenured and tenure-track faculty senators from academic colleges and the library, an affiliate faculty senator, the Student Senate President or designee, and the Provost and designees, ex officio, non-voting.

ECS Regular Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Membership: Eight members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, two members apiece from the College of Education and Community Innovations, the College of Health Professions, the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing, and the Seidman College of Business; one member apiece from the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies, the Kirkhof College of Nursing, and the University Libraries. The term of office is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester. ECS members must have regular tenured or tenure-track faculty status and will only represent one College. ECS members will also serve as UAS senators. Terms of those from colleges with two or more members are staggered.

ECS Affiliate Faculty Membership: One member is selected by the affiliate faculty in accordance with written procedures in the UAS Bylaws. The ECS member must have affiliate faculty status and will also serve as a UAS senator.

ECS Student Membership: The President of the Student Senate or designee serves on ECS.

ECS Administration Membership: The Provost and designees are members ex officio, non-voting.

ECS Additional Criteria: ECS will periodically review membership and apportionment policies for UAS and ECS and will make a report to the President and the Provost with any appropriate recommendations for their revision. The next such review will be completed not later than winter semester 2034.

Standing committees that report to the Senate via ECS include the Academic Policies and Standards Committee, Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Faculty Facilities Planning Advisory Committee, Faculty Personnel Policy Committee, Faculty Salary and Budget Committee, General Education Committee, Graduate Council, Online Education and Microcredential Council, Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center Advisory Committee, University Assessment Committee, and University Curriculum Committee. The composition of each committee is described in the UAS Bylaws and always includes elected college and library representatives.

Copies of agendas and approved minutes of all meetings are posted on the Faculty Governance website. Agendas are sent out electronically to committee members one week prior to meetings, and minutes are usually posted and distributed electronically within two weeks following a meeting. Faculty members may petition for a referendum if there is strong opposition to an action taken by UAS.

Details regarding membership, responsibilities, and rules of procedures are given in the UAS By-laws which are incorporated into the Faculty Handbook.