Policy Details

Date of Last Update

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  • University Academic Senate / Provost

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University Academic Senate Bylaws: Standing Committees

SG 1.02

  1. Policy
  2. Policy Statement
  3. Definitions
  4. History


SG 1.02  Standing Committees of the UAS

The following committees report to the UAS via the ECS.  Standing Committee meeting times shall be consistent over an academic year and be published on the faculty governance website.  Any changes to the set meeting times must be made in a timely manner and agreed to by the committee members in consultation with ECS.

The elected Chair of each committee is responsible for publishing an agenda at least 4 class days before the scheduled meeting.  Minutes of each meeting, with a roster of those in attendance, shall be published after approval by the membership of the committee.  The Chair of each committee will also send the agenda and approved minutes to the Faculty Governance assistant to be made available in the secure area of the Faculty Governance website.

A member who is unable to attend a meeting of the Standing Committees of the UAS should send an alternate so long as the alternate comes from the represented College or the University Libraries and no contrary rules are adopted by the represented group itself.  In the case of a prolonged absence involving several meetings, the represented College or University Libraries should designate the alternate.


Policy Statement

a.     Academic Policies and Standards Committee (APSC):

i.      Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the APSC consists of four faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries. One additional faculty member elected by and from the UAS. The term of office is two years beginning at the end of the winter semester; terms are staggered.

ii.   Student Membership: One undergraduate and one graduate student representative selected by the Student Senate for a one-year term.

iii.   Administrative Membership: Provost or designee ex officio, non-voting.

iv.   Responsibilities: To study, review, and make pertinent recommendations on academic policies and procedures including admission, retention and dismissal, repeat grades, withdrawal, academic calendar, and suspension of library privileges. The scope of study and review of the Academic Policies and Standards Committee is limited by the published “purposes” of other standing committees of the University Academic Senate.

v, Leadership and Succession Planning

a.   The committee Chair shall put the election of a Chair and Vice Chair for the following academic year on the agenda for a meeting near the end of the academic year.

b.   Prior to the meeting, the Chair shall solicit nominations for the two positions. Nominations must be accepted by the nominee. Self-nominations are accepted.  Nominations may be made at the meeting prior to the election.

c.   The vote for Chair shall be held first. Each member present at the meeting shall vote for one of the nominees. The nominee with the most votes wins the election. In the event   of a tie, the winner shall be selected randomly from the nominees with the most votes. Nominees who lose the Chair election have the option of being nominated for the subsequent vote for Vice Chair, which shall be done with the same procedure.

d.   If there are no nominees for either position, then that position will be filled by a person selected randomly from a pool of eligible candidates that includes all current members.   (NB: Not just those at the meeting) who are returning to the committee for the following year and have not served as the committee Chair (previously or currently). If this pool yields no eligible candidates, the pool shall be expanded to include all of next year’s committee members, excluding the current Chair

e.   The Vice Chair will prepare to take over the Chair position as necessary.

b.    Equity and Inclusion Committee (EIC): (Established August 2017)

i.   Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the Equity and Inclusion Committee consists of four members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries. The term of office is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester. Terms are staggered.

ii.  Student Membership: One undergraduate and one graduate student representative appointed by the Student Senate.

iii. Staff Membership:  
        One representative from the AP Committee (elected by the membership)
        One representative from the PSS Union (elected by the membership)

iv.  Administrative Membership (ex officio):
        Vice President for Inclusion and Equity (or designee)
        Provost (or designee)
        Vice President for Enrollment Development (or designee)
        Associate Vice President for Human Resources (or designee)
        Director of Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center (or designee)
        Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee)

 v.  Responsibilities: The role of the EIC is to promote and facilitate faculty involvement in support of a healthy and equitable campus climate. The committee accomplishes its role by
      engaging in social justice and diversity issues on campus, including but not limited to:

a)  Advising UAS on policies and practices to recruit, support and retain a diverse faculty, staff and student body.

b) Organizing and running events to promote awareness of the importance of social justice and campus diversity (e.g., the Teach-in).

c)  Identifying faculty for the various university awards related to diversity.

d)  Fostering faculty involvement in student recruitment and retention efforts (e.g., working with pipeline, bridge, student support, and curricular programs)

e)  Serving as a liaison with the Division of Inclusion and Equity and Student Senate Diversity Affairs Committee.

vi.  Committee Organization: The committee will be organized into three subcommittees:

            a)   Teach-in subcommittee. This committee will support the organization of the teach-in by reviewing submitted workshop proposals, volunteering for the moderation of workshops, and promoting the Teach-In through faculty and staff contacts in the colleges, schools, and departments.

            b)   Reports subcommittee. Prepare final academic year report on diversity at GVSU to the ECS.

            c)   Website subcommittee. This committee will review, update, develop, and promote the EIC website content.

vii.       Leadership Organization and Duties: The committee leadership will consist of a Chair of the committee and Chairs of the three subcommittees.

            a)   Duties of the Chair:

                  1.   organize the bi-weekly agenda, collect amendments to the agenda, schedule bi-weekly meetings, and run the meetings.

                  2.   post all organization documents on the committee’s Blackboard site, and communicate reminders of meeting schedules via email to the members.

                  3.   as needed, set aside one-hour time slots for each subcommittee to meet during the regular meeting to work on the assigned tasks of that committee.

                  4.   draft mid-year and final reports, gain approval from the full committee, and submit to ECS (via SHORE).

                  5.   aid each of the committees in completing their tasks.

                  6.   attend and report on the work of the committee to ECS and UAS as needed.

                  7.   accept, modify, and track the charges for each year.

                  8.   reach out to related organizations, faculty, committees, or leadership as needed for discussion of EIC tasks, charges, or duties.

                  9.   the outgoing chair will train the incoming Chair to undertake the duties and responsibilities of the Chair.

viii.   Elections:

            a)   The Chair of the whole committee will be selected from the voting members of the whole committee.

            b)   A subcommittee Chair will be selected for each of the subcommittees from the voting members of the whole committee.

            c)   Elections for each position will be held each April, and each term will be for (but not be limited to) one year.

ix.     Additional duties of the committee: Keep a list of resources for Promotional Development Promote these resources through the EIC website and via faculty-led programming and events.

c.  Faculty Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FFPAC)  (as revised 12/01/17 by UAS)

i.      Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the FFPAC consists of seven members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, two from the Seidman College of Business, one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries.  The term of office is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester.  Terms of those from colleges with two or more members are staggered.

ii.    Student Membership: One undergraduate and one graduate student representative selected by the Student Senate for a one-year term.

iii.   Administrative Membership: One Facilities Planning representative ex officio, non-voting; one Facilities Services representative ex officio, non-voting; one Faculty Teaching & Learning Center representative ex officio, non-voting.; one Information Technology representative ex officio, non-voting; one representative from the Registrar’s Office ex officio, non-voting; and one representative from the Provost's office ex officio, non-voting

iv.   Leadership: FFPAC leadership will consist of a Chair and Vice Chair elected from the faculty membership, with nominations/self-nominations in March and a vote in April. The Chair shall serve for one year in this role, with the option to be re-elected. The Vice Chair will become Chair following the term of their predecessor. If either party is unable to fulfill their term, an election will be held to fill the role.

v.  Responsibilities: The role of this Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations on maintaining, planning, remodeling, and building academic facilities at Grand Valley State University, with the goal of providing an optimal teaching and learning environment. Specific responsibilities include:

a)    In partnership with other relevant bodies (e.g., FTLCAC, FTLC, IT), make recommendations for more effective use of existing classroom technologies and appropriate use of existing and future classroom spaces, including active learning classrooms. This should include addressing as much as possible concerns voiced by faculty and regularly reviewing current GVSU design standards to ensure architectural and furniture standards are in line with best practices as they relate to teaching (e.g., Universal Design for Learning standards) and new trends in education. Serve as a liaison between the Grand Valley academic community and Facilities Planning.  In particular, inform and advise Facilities Planning on factors that affect teaching and learning; most importantly (but not limited to), classroom design.

b)    Regularly review and identify problems with academic spaces, current teaching spaces, share this information with Facilities Services, IT, the Academic Space Committee, and other relevant bodies, and monitor the response.

c)    Make recommendations to the appropriate bodies to ensure that all academic buildings and interior spaces are highly accessible.

d) Regularly (re-)educate faculty and staff on systems of reporting academic space issues and methods of requesting more significant classroom changes, including innovative designs. 

d.    Faculty Personnel Policy Committee (FPPC):  (as revised 02/04/22 by UAS)

i.      Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the FPPC consists of three faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries. College representatives must be tenured.    The term of office for faculty members is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester.  Terms are staggered.  

ii.     Administrative Membership: The Assistant/Associate Vice President for Human Resources or a designated representative from Human Resources and the Assistant/Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs shall serve as ex officio, non-voting members.

iii.    Leadership: A Chair of the FPPC will be elected each year during the second to last meeting of the Winter semester. The Assistant/Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs will conduct the election.

iv.    Responsibilities: The FPPC has the responsibility to review faculty personnel policy matters that extend beyond the college, as specified by the ECS, and make appropriate recommendations to the ECS.  The Chair of FPPC will run meetings, facilitate the deliberations of the committee, and write personnel policy proposals. The Chair will attend the ECS and UAS meetings where the annual charges to the FPPC are finalized and the meeting where the year’s work is reviewed. The Chair will also attend all ECS/UAS meetings during which an FPPC proposal will be discussed.

e.     Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC):  (as revised 04 14 19 by UAS)

 i.    Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the FSBC consists of seven faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), two from the Seidman College of Business, one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries. The term of office is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester. Terms of those from colleges with two or more members are staggered.  

ii.     Student Membership: One undergraduate and one graduate student representative selected by the Student Senate for a one-year term.

iii.    Administrative Membership: The Provost or designee and the Vice President for Finance or designee, both serve as ex officio, non-voting.

iv.    Leadership:  The Chair of FSBC for the following academic year will be elected during September each year to allow the Chair-elect to learn the functions of the position.  The Provost or designee will conduct the election.

v.    Responsibilities: The FSBC has four primary responsibilities:

a)    To study pertinent data and make recommendations to the Senate through the ECS on the allocation of funds within the Grand Valley budget as a whole as well as within the budgets of the administrative divisions,

b)    To study pertinent data and make recommendations to the Senate through the ECS on the items of the budget, compensation or faculty job security, 

c)     To study pertinent data and make recommendations on proposals for the establishment of additional units/programs at Grand Valley. These recommendations will be made to the Senate through the ECS at the Prospectus stage and through UCC at the New Program Proposal stage, and

d)     To provide leadership and support to faculty as Units develop their Unit Stability Report and Self-Study Report and to review and provide feedback on these reports.

The President and/or ECS may request the FSBC to study specific items and make recommendations concerning them.

The Chair of FSBC will run meetings, facilitate the deliberations of the committee, and serve as lead author of documents produced by the committee.  The Chair will also attend all ECS/UAS meetings during which FSBC materials are discussed. The Chair of FSBC will also serve on the University Benefits Committee and the New Program Council and may represent faculty in discussions with administration regarding university budgets. 

f.     General Education Committee (GEC)  [as revised 11/03/23 UAS]

i.      Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the GEC consists of nine faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries. The term of membership is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester. Terms from those colleges with two or more members are staggered.   The General Education Director is an ex officio, non-voting member.

ii.    Leadership: The GEC Faculty Chair, who manages actions in the online curriculum system on behalf of the committee and sets the agenda for meetings, is elected from the faculty membership and shall serve for one year in this role, with the option to be re-elected.  If the GEC Faculty Chair is not able to fulfill their term, an election will be held to identify a new Faculty Chair from current faculty members. 

iii.    Student Membership: One student representative selected by and from the Student Senate for a term of one year

iv.    Administrative Membership: The Provost or designee ex officio, non-voting.

v.    Responsibilities:

a)    to provide guidance and support to the university community regarding the aims, philosophy, achievements and problems of the General Education Program;

b)   to provide materials to assist instructors in teaching and assessing the general education knowledge and skills goals;

c)    to review and act upon courses proposed for the General Education Program;

d)    to make minor revisions to the General Education Program (for example, changing the name of a category or adding, revising, or removing a student learning outcome in the category);

e)    to propose to ECS/UAS major changes to the General Education Program;

f)    to ensure that the General Education skill and knowledge outcomes of each General Education course are assessed every four years:

1.  to review and provide formative and/or summative feedback on General Education Course Assessment Reports;

2.  to report annually on student performance of the General Education knowledge and skills outcomes to faculty governance:

3.  to submit a comprehensive report on student performance of the General Education knowledge and skills outcomes, and share these results with faculty governance and the broader university community every four years:  

4.  to propose changes to the General Education Program or make changes to the assessment process informed by the assessment data.

g)      to remove a course from the General Education Program (see SG 2.01) if:

1.  changes have been made to course prerequisites that were not approved by the General Education Committee;

2.  the course was not appropriately and effectively assessed by the unit in a timely manner as described in the Recertification Policy posted on the General Education website.

g.    Graduate Council (GC) (Revised at UAS 05/15/17)

i.      Faculty Membership: The Graduate Council (GC) is composed of no more than eighteen faculty members elected by the faculty: base membership includes two representatives from each college (Business, Community and Public Service, Education, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Computing, Health Professions, Nursing, Interdisciplinary Studies), plus two representatives from the University Libraries.   Each committee member will serve on one of two subcommittees (Policy and Standards or Curriculum and Program Review).
Subcommittees will include one member from each college and the library.  Faculty from the same college will serve for staggered three-year terms.  Representatives on the GC shall hold graduate faculty status.

ii.     Student Membership: Two graduate student representatives from different graduate programs, selected by the Graduate Student Association.  Each subcommittee will have a graduate student representative.

iii.    Administrative Membership: The Dean and Associate Dean of the Graduate School serve as an ex-officio member, as representatives of the Provost. Other ex-officio members include administrative staff that have a central role in graduate education including the Office of the Registrar, Office of Admissions, and the Center for Adult and Continuing Studies designees. 

iv.    Responsibilities: The GC is responsible for matters related to graduate education at Grand Valley, to include (but not limited to):

a)    To review and recommend actions upon new proposed graduate programs and/or revisions to current graduate programs.

1)  New graduate program proposals, certificates and proposals for change to programs or certificates will be reviewed.  As program matters are reviewed by the GC, the proposers may be invited to participate in the discussion and review process.  Recommendations from the GC related to program matters will be transmitted via the online curriculum system. 

b)    To review and recommend actions upon and, as needed, initiate policies and standards related to graduate education that ensure quality, consistency, equity, and fairness, while not impinging upon the disciplinary expertise and responsibility of the program faculty. This shall include matters related to admission, program progress, and completion for post-baccalaureate students in non-degree, certificate, and degree program statuses.

1)  Recommendations regarding policy changes or new policies or standards for graduate education will be referred to the ECS for final action.

2)  To identify and monitor quality indicators of graduate education.

c)     To review and recommend actions upon requests for exceptions to university minimum standards or policies.

d)    To review and recommend actions related to existing graduate programs at the time of assessment and/or program review and/or accreditation.

1)  Existing graduate programs shall be reviewed by GC on a revolving and regular schedule, aligned with the UAC program review and external accreditation review (if applicable).  The review will employ quality indicators developed by GC that are outside of the normal UAC purview, but incorporate appropriate program materials submitted to UAC and FSBC.

e)     To advise on allocation of university financial support for graduate students.

f)     To call meetings of all faculty to discuss emerging issues in and strategic planning for graduate education at Grand Valley.

v.     Procedures -- Curricula and Program

a)    Course proposals and requests for program exceptions from graduate policies will be sent from the College Curriculum Committees to the UCC, which will transmit such proposals and requests to the GC.

b)    Curriculum proposals submitted to the GC should be as detailed and complete as possible. Requests for program exceptions should contain a complete and convincing rationale for the exception and show what other aspects of the program address the policy to which an exception is being requested. Curriculum proposals and exceptions will be reviewed and evaluated on the basis of graduate policies in place at the time of the review.

c)     Curricular proposals to be considered by the GC will be referred to its Curriculum Subcommittee (GC-CC). While the GC-CC is reviewing proposals, the documents will be available for review of the entirety of the GC on the Council’s web site, or general web sites of Grand Valley Faculty Governance. Proposals requiring vote of the GC to formalize the actions of the GC-CC include the following: a) all final plan documents, b) program changes with associated course proposals, c) prospectuses of all types, d) proposals denied approval by the GC-CC. Proposals approved by the GC-CC that do not fall within the categories above will be forwarded to UCC for action by the GC chair no sooner than five (5) calendar days after the GC-CC’s approval.

d)    At any time subsequent to the GC-CC approval and prior to the forwarding of proposals to UCC, action of the GC as a whole may be requested for documents that would not usually be reviewed by this governance body in its entirety. Any GC member, deans, department heads or faculty of the proposing college/department, chairpersons of any other faculty governance body including the ECS/UAS, or the Provost may make these requests. Such requests shall be directed to the GC chair. Consideration of the proposal(s) referred to the GC general membership will then be scheduled for the next regular meeting of the GC.

e)     Positive recommendations from the GC related to curriculum and program matters will be referred to the UCC for final action.

f)     As curriculum and program matters are reviewed by the GC, the proponents of the matter will be invited to participate in the discussion and review process. If, upon review, there are concerns or problems with the request it will be referred back to the appropriate College Curriculum Committee and the initiating unit, with clarification of concerns and suggestions for revision.

g)     If the item is resubmitted, and if the GC again rejects it, an appeal of the GC decision may be taken to the UCC.

h)    The UCC may convene representatives of both parties to review the matter. The decision of the UCC will be final.

vi.    Policies and Standards: Positive recommendations regarding policy changes or new policies and standards for graduate education will be referred to the ECS for final action.

h.   Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center Advisory Committee (FTLCAC)  (as revised by UAS 4/3/15)

i.      Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the Pew FTLCAC consists of four members from CLAS, one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries. The term of office is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester.  Terms are staggered.

ii.   Student Membership: One undergraduate and one graduate student selected by the Student Senate for a term of one year.

iii.    Administrative Membership: The Director and Faculty Fellows of the Pew FTLC ex officio, non-voting.  A representative from Information Technology, ex officio, non-voting.

iv.   Leadership

a. Chair position

  • Responsibilities include facilitating meetings every month on a Monday, 1- 3:00 p.m.; draft agendas and write mid- and end-of-year reports; correspond with ECS/UAS, FTLC Director, and other committees over shared charges; train and mentor Vice-Chair.
  • All faculty members are eligible to be Chair, though serving as Vice-Chair in the previous year is most preferable for continuity in leadership of this committee.
  • The Chair serves a one-year term.
  • Call for nominations will occur in February and voting will occur in March.

b. Vice-Chair position

  •  Responsibilities include facilitating meetings every month on a Monday, 1-3:00 p.m.; submitting and uploading agendas and minutes to Blackboard; shadowing and/or deputizing for the Chair in interactions with ECS/UAS and FTLC Director.
  • All faculty members are eligible to be Vice-Chair but must have at least two-terms left in order to become Chair in the following year.
  • The Vice-Chair serves a one-year term and may become Chair following the term of their predecessor.
  • Call for nominations will occur in February and voting will occur in March.

v.    Responsibilities: The role of the Advisory Committee is to provide advice on policy, direction and performance of the Pew FTLC, including:

a)    Serve as a liaison between the Grand Valley faculty and the Pew FTLC Staff disseminating information to faculty/units/colleges from the Pew FTLC and also providing feedback to the Pew FTLC about its programs, policies, and services.

b)    Provide information about faculty development needs and advocate for professional development activities related to teaching and learning.

c)     Initiate and/or respond to discussions of teaching and learning issues, referring them to appropriate bodies if necessary.

d)    Every member of the FTLCAC (except for the committee chair) will serve on one of two sub-committees – either to review competitive grants or to review teaching award nominations.

e)     In the case of a vacancy, serve on a search committee for Pew FTLC Administrative Staff.

i.   University Assessment Committee (UAC)  (as revised at UAS 10/02/2020)

i.      Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the UAC consists of eleven faculty members from CLAS; two each from the Seidman College of Business, the College of Community and Public Service, the College of Education, the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing, and the College of Health Professions;  and one each from the Kirkhof College of nursing, the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies, and the University Libraries.  Academic unit representatives serve three-year staggered terms beginning at the end of the winter semester.

ii.     Service unit Membership:  Service unit membership of the UAC consists of six representatives with at least one representative from each of two areas:  Advising and Student Services.  Representatives will be appointed by the Provost. Service unit representatives serve three-year staggered terms beginning fall semester.

iii.    Student Membership:  One undergraduate and one graduate student representative selected by the Student Senate for a term of one year.

iv.     Administrative Membership:  The Provost or designee ex officio, non-voting

v.      Election of the Chair: The Chair shall be elected from among the faculty representatives. The Chair shall serve for three years (Jul – June) or until a new Chair is elected, contingent upon their continued     service as an elected representative to UAC. The vote for Chair occurs at the end of the fall semester to allow the Chair-elect to shadow the outgoing Chair before taking office. In the event the Chair’s position should be vacated before the Chair’s term is complete, the committee shall vote to identify an Interim Chair to serve until a new Chair can be elected.

vi.      Responsibilities: The UAC is responsible for:

        a)  Providing leadership and support to university constituents as they design and implement the five to six year self-study report and every two year student learning outcome assessment plan/report with strategic plan updates based on best practices.

        b)  Reviewing and providing feedback on assessment plans, reports, and self-studies submitted by all academic programs and most service units *

        c)  Providing instructions for reporting formats and schedules.

        d)  Providing feedback to Administration in support of ongoing accreditation standards as set forth by the Higher Learning Commission.

         e) Conducting user training on the on-line system for reporting Assessment reviews/plans and Self-Study updates/reports.

         f)   Maintaining and updating the UAC website, Blackboard site, submission links as needed, and GVAdvance notification system.
* Service unit representatives are appointed to serve as the primary reviewer of reports submitted by service units. 

j.      University Curriculum Committee (UCC) (As revised by UAS 04/13/18)

i.      Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the UCC consists of seven members from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), one from each of the remaining colleges, and one from the University Libraries. The term of membership is two years. Terms of those from colleges with two or more members are staggered.

ii.     Student Membership: One student representative selected by the Student Senate for a term of one year.

iii.    Administrative Membership: One representative from the Graduate Council (GC) ex officio, non-voting, a member from the Registrar's office ex officio, non-voting, and the Provost or designee ex officio, non-voting.

iv.    Responsibilities: The UCC is responsible for a wide range of curriculum matters at Grand Valley; its responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

a)    to review and make recommendations on all degree requirements and on all new program proposals;

b)    to review and make recommendations on all proposals involving academic credit;

c)     to review the courses used to fulfill the General Education requirements;

d)    to review the courses used to fulfill the requirements of the Honors Program;

e)     to manage Sail, the online curriculum development system;

f)    to meet with the chairs of College Curriculum Committees annually in order to communicate best practices and university policies regarding curricular issues; 

g)   to manage the UCC website content;

h)   review yearly reports from the International Education Committee and the Writing Skills Committee.

v.     In addition to reporting to the ECS, the UCC may make recommendations directly to individual academic units, and copy ESC in the correspondence.

k.   Online Education and Microcredential Council (OEMC)

i.      Faculty Membership: Faculty membership of the Online Education and Microcredential Council consists of at least one member of UCC (appointed by the Chair of UCC), Chair (or designee) of the Graduate Curriculum and Program Review Committee, and 5-8 University faculty members with expertise in online pedagogy (who are appointed by the Provost, in consultation with the UAS Chair and confirmed by UAS.  The OEMC Faculty Chair, who manages actions in the online curriculum system on behalf of the committee and sets agenda for meetings, is elected from the faculty membership and shall serve for two years in this role, with the option to be re-elected. If the OEMC Faculty Chair is not able to fulfil their two-year term, an election will be held to identify a new Faculty Chair from current OEMC faculty members. The term of membership is three years. All faculty are voting members of the Council.

ii.     Student Membership: One graduate student representative selected by the Student Senate for a term of one year. The student representative is a voting member of the Council.

iii.    Administrative Membership: The Provost or designee ex officio, the Director of FTLC, and the Associate Director of eLearning and Emerging Technologies, as well as one representative from  the Center for Adult and Continuing Studies (CACS), and the Registrar's Office - all non-voting members. A Vice Chair is selected from among the OEMC administrative members and serves two years, with the option to be re-selected.  The primary job of the Vice Chair is to record meeting minutes as well as coordinate back-end implementation issues related to approved microcredential proposals.  If the OEMC Vice Chair is not able to fulfil their two-year term, the OEMC Faculty Chair will facilitate a selection process to identify a new Vice Chair from current OEMC members. If the Faculty Chair is no longer able to serve their term, the Vice Chair will convene a meeting to elect a new Faculty Chair.

iv.    Responsibilities: The OEMC's responsibilities will include, but are not limited to the following:

a)  review curricular proposals involving online and hybrid offerings;

b)  review microcredential proposals;

c)  review current policies and practices regarding distance delivered education and microcredentials, and make recommendations for new policies and practices, where appropriate, in collaboration with appropriate committees (e.g., GC Curriculum and Program Review subcommittee, UCC, FSBC, etc.);

d)  answer questions about delivery -- online, hybrid, short-semester, "on-demand", or "self-paced" delivery of content;

e)  manage forms in the online curriculum system pertaining to microcredentials and distance education, as needed;

f)   recommend curricular and pedagogical quality standards consistent with traditional course offerings;

g)  recommend faculty and staff professional development standards for distance delivered education;

h)  review and report on the quality of online/hybrid curricular and microcredential offerings as part of an end-of-year report. 

l.       Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) (Approved by UAS 09/25/15; designated a Standing Committee of UAS by BOT [11/3/2023]; formerly SG 1.03.B.2.)
i. Membership:
Regular Faculty Membership: Regular faculty will elect the Regular faculty members of the AFAC, which consist of one elected member from each College that employs Affiliate faculty. The term of office is three years beginning at the end of the winter semester.

Affiliate Faculty Membership: Affiliate faculty are eligible for membership after two years of continuous employment with Affiliate status. Affiliate faculty will elect the Affiliate faculty members of the AFAC, which consist of a number of members from each College according to the following ratio:

Affiliate Faculty in College             Members on Committee

          1-20                                                     1
        21-50                                                     2
        51-100                                                   3
             101+                                                 4
Administrative Membership: One Provost office representative ex officio, non-voting.

ii. Term: The term of office is three years beginning at the end of winter semester staggered for members from the same College. The AFAC will meet on the second Friday of each month from 7 to 9 am.

iii. Purpose: The role of this Advisory Committee is to represent the needs and perspectives of all
University Affiliate Faculty and to provide recommendations to University bodies on matters which may impact Affiliate faculty responsibilities, with the goal of providing an optimal teaching and learning environment as well as increased advocacy, visibility, retention, and development for all Affiliate faculty.

The committee serves as a liaison between the Affiliate faculty and the GVSU academic community at large. It informs and advises UAS on factors that affect teaching and learning, as well as on university-wide policies and procedures with regard to Affiliate faculty role, work load, etc. The Committee will clarify the roles of and/or expectations for Affiliate faculty while increasing the visibility of Affiliate faculty at GVSU and maintaining a collaborative relationship with Regular faculty.

iv. Elections and Succession Planning: The Chair, the Vice Chair, and the Secretary are elected for a renewable one-year term. Only Affiliate faculty members may serve as the Chair and the Vice Chair. Either Regular or Affiliate faculty members may serve as the Secretary. The Chair, the Vice Chair, and the Secretary will be elected near the conclusion of each academic year. If the Chair-elect is unwilling/unable to serve at the start of an academic term, the Vice Chair-elect will take over immediately. If both the Chair-elect and Vice Chair-elect are unwilling/unable to serve at the start of an academic term, a special election will be held during the first meeting of the new term within AFAC to replace both positions.

vi. Duties of Leadership within AFAC: The Chair of AFAC will set up meeting dates and locations for the academic year; send out agenda and other pertinent documents before each meeting; run meetings and facilitate deliberations of the committee; and serve as the committee’s representative at UAS/ECS or other university committees. The Vice Chair of AFAC will serve as the Chair (as needed) during committee meetings; serve as the Chair’s alternate (as needed) at UAS/ECS or other university committees; assist the Chair in creation of pertinent documents (as needed) for deliberation by the committee. The Secretary of AFAC will take minutes during each committee meeting, finish preparation of minutes post-meeting, and forward to Chair in a timely manner.

vi. Affiliate faculty representatives on UAS and ECS (BOT; repeated from SG The Chair of AFAC serves as the designated Affiliate faculty member of the ECS and as one of two members of the UAS. AFAC selects the second designated Affiliate faculty member of the UAS, who must have Affiliate status, from among the members of the committee; if it is unable to do so, the committee will select the UAS member from the Affiliate faculty at large, with preference given to those with experience on the committee and/or in other relevant roles.




Quorum:  A simple majority of the total voting membership of the committees shall constitute a quorum for the enactment of business.



February 4, 2025 - updated Faculty Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FFPAC)

April 24, 2024 - updated Faculty Personnel Policy Committee timing of Chair election

April 15, 2024 - Inserted section on Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC)

March 1, 2024 - Modified GEC Bylaws

August 28, 2023 - Updated Online Education and Microcredential Council (OEMC)

August 28, 2023 - Updated Faculty Salary and Budget Committee

August 28, 2023 - Updated Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center Advisory Committee to include "Leadership"

May 19, 2023 - Updated Faculty Facilities Planning Advisory Committee Membership to include "Facilities Services"

May 19, 2023 - Updated Faculty Personnel Policy Committee adding "Associate" and "or a designated representative from Human Resources"

May 12, 2023 - Added "a member from the Registrar's office ex officio, non-voting" to UCC Administration Membership

May 20, 2022 - Added Faculty Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FFPAC) Leadership and Succession Planning

May 16, 2022 - Added Academic Policies and Standards Committee (APSC) Leadership and Succession Planning

May 16, 2022 - Added Equity and Inclusion Committee (EIC) Leadership and Succession Planning

May 16, 2022 - Added Faculty Personnel Policy Committee (FPPC) Leadership and Succession Planning

February 28, 2022 - Updated GEC Leadership and Succession Planning f. ii

February 22, 2022 - Updated FPPC Leadership and Succession Planning d. iii & iv

November 19, 2021 - Updated OEMC to include leadership succession k. i and iii.

November 17, 2020 - Updated UAC to include v. Election of Chair

May 12, 2020 - Updated OEC title to OEMC, Chair position, membership composition, purpose and responsibilities

November 20, 2019 - Updated with recommendations from GLEV. 

November 12, 2019 - SG 1.02 GEC Assessment Cycle changed from three to four years

April 21, 2019 - SG 1.02 "Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC)"  amended responsibilities 

January 7, 2019 - FH 2.01.A.4 retitled to SG.1.02

November 16, 2018 - SG 1.02.K - Online Education Council (OEC) Change in Responsibilities;  UCC Change in Responsibilities

May 3, 2018 - FH 2.01.A.4.f.i  "General Education Committee (GEC)" amended membership and responsibilities

April 25, 2018 - FH 2.01.A.4 j "University Curriculum Committee (UCC)" amended responsibilities 

April 2, 2018 - FH 2.01.A.4 i "University Assessment Committee (UAC)" amended membership 

January 3, 2018 - FH 2.01.A.4 c "Faculty Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FFPAC)" amended membership & responsibilities

January 3, 2018 - FH 2.01.A.4 e "Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC)" 

May 15, 2017 - FH 2.01.A.4 "Equity and Inclusion Committee (EIC)" 

May 15, 2017 - FH 2.01.A.4 "University Assessment Committee (UAC)" 

May 15, 2017 - FH 2.01.A.4 "Graduate Council (GC)"