English Language Arts
In English, you have a wide variety of courses from which to choose. You will choose one of the English foundation classes in genre, literary theory, or the foundations of the English language. You can then choose 2 more classes from a long list of literature courses that suit your interest. These courses are not pedagogical, but instead will provide you with your own intellectual development and application of the skills that you are expected to teach in the upper elementary grades: close reading, literary analysis, and the connection of literature to the larger world. You will have an opportunity to take literature and linguistics courses taught by experts in their fields, and explore subjects that are important in educating the next generation, such as climate change, race and racism, immigration and refugee issues, among others. By choosing a concentration in English, you will be positioning yourself to be a leader in the English Language Arts at your school.
The English Language Arts concentration requires 9 credits of English courses. Students who select this concentration cannot double count courses taken for PCKET core requirements.
Students will need to select one course from each of the three categories below.

One of the following:
ENG 215: Foundations of Literary Study: Genre*
ENG 216: Foundations of Literary Study: Critical Approaches*
ENG 261: Foundations of Language Study*
ENG 304: International Literature for Children and Young Adults
ENG 334: American Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults
An ENG Issues General Education Course, which includes:
Health - ENG 386: Literary Responses to Death and Dying
Human Rights - ENG 384: Literature of War
Identity - ENG 337: Contemporary Black Literature
ENG 335: Literature of American Minorities*
ENG 388: Emigration and Immigration in Contemporary World Literature
Information, Innovation or Technology - ENG 314: Digital Literacies*
Sustainability - ENG 382: Literature and the Environment
One of the following:
ENG 215: Foundations of Literary Study: Genre*
ENG 216: Foundations of Literary Study: Critical Approaches*
ENG 261: Foundations of Language Study*
An ENG Philosophy and Literature General Education Course, which includes:
ENG 105: Literatures in English*
ENG 112: Much Ado About Shakespeare
ENG 115: Introduction to Science Fiction*
ENG 203: World Literature
ENG 231: Early African American Literature
*Indicates course that is often, but not always, offered during Spring/Summer semesters