STEM Mini-Grants


2024/2025 Application Cycle

Canva - MiSTEM Mini-Grant

What is the STEM Mini-Grant Program?

The STEM Mini-Grant Program is to support educators in the teaching and learning of STEM in K-12 classrooms and out-of-school time programs. The emphasis is on stimulating new teaching ideas and new learning opportunities made possible through the creative spark of educators. An additional emphasis is placed on developing community outreach projects in which students and schools work with local business partners and community organizations to solve local problems and develop career awareness, exploration, or preparation.

Check out this map of the locations of schools who have received MiSTEM Mini-Grant Awards and their business/community partners! 

Click on the pop-out symbol in the upper left to see the map key.

Application is Closed for 2024-2025

STEM Mini-Grant Cycle Information

Eligible Applicants

The program is open to all public school teachers and out-of-school time educators in Allegan, Kent, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, and Ottawa Counties, for grades K-12. Team projects from several educators working together with multiple groups of students are also accepted and encouraged.  

Maximum amount your project could receive:

K-12 Teachers

Maximum WITHOUT a business/community partner

Maximum WITH a business/community partner

1 Teacher



2 Teachers



3 Teachers



4 or more teachers



Out-of-School Educators 

Maximum WITHOUT a business/community partner 

Maximum WITH a business/community partner 

1 Teacher



2 Teachers



3 Teachers



4 or more teachers



Application Details

The 2024-2025 STEM Mini-Grant Cycle

Expenditures for program materials to enhance or extend a regular program or to create a new program are encouraged. If a pre-packaged kit is the major activity for your project, indicate how you would supplement the kit and customize it for your program. All purchases should be tax-exempt and sales tax will not be reimbursed. 

Note: Stipends for work happening during the contracted time of employees of a school district or ISD/RESA are not an allowable expense under this STEM Mini-Grant program.

  • The application deadline is November 18, 2024
  • Notification of awards will be made by December 18, 2024.  
  • Funds will be dispersed in late January or early February.  
  • Final reports are due by the end of the 24/25 academic year. 

Criteria for Review  

Applications will be reviewed by a team of regional stakeholders. Winners are determined on a county-wide competitive basis, with awards going to the top-ranked proposals. Priority will be given to proposals that:

  • Increase equity of access to STEM fields for under-served groups  
  • Include a business/community partner   
  • Demonstrate a potential for positive impact on students and community  
  • Demonstrate an integrated/interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary approach to STEM education  
  • Includes a detailed budget and clear rationale for expenses  
  • Align to standards  
  • Adhere to proposal guidelines  
  • New applicants who have not already received funds from this program 

For questions or technical assistance, contact Olga L. Kryger at [email protected]

2024-2025 Awardees


  • 7 applications were awarded funds
  • A total of $14,262.95 was awarded  
  • 5 K-12 In-Service Teachers benefited
  • 2 Informal Learning/Out-of-school Educators benefited
  • TBD K-12 students served!



Teachers and Partners

Project Name



Betsy Verwys, Brian Hendricks, Brandon Paradis, Nick Smith, and Tony Quinn

Northview Next Career Center

Partners: Amway, Copper Rock Construction, DeWys Manufacturing, Brigade Fire 

Exploring Careers in Manufacturing & Industry Through Robotics & VR



Project Submission by: Stephanie McNitt

Out-of-School: Kids' Food Basket

Partners: This grant serves a total 50 schools and sites across all four counties, Kent, Muskegon, Ottawa, and Allegan

Seed to STEM: Experiential Learning in the Garden with Compost and the 5 senses



Christina Adamson

Tri County Middle School

Partner(s): Claire Copps 

Enhancing our Programming Skills with Edison



Andria Yost, Brenda Robinson, and Kristen Sturgis

Muskegon Montessori Academy for Environmental Change

Partner(s): Fab Lab




Jim Barstow, 

Out-of-School Program: NC PEERS, Inc.

NC GEARS 2024-25 FRC Robotics



Avril Wiers, Ramya Swayamprakash (BCOIS Environmental Studies), Gina Johnson, Jesse Davenport, and Brooke Herr

Careerline Tech Center

Partners: Ottawa County Parks and Recreation, Ottawa Conservation District, and Outdoor Discovery Center

A Bathymetric Study of Pigeon Lake



Sara Alsum-Wassenaar, 

Black River Public School 

Partners: Windmill Island

Manoomin Test Sites 


Click on the links below to view past awardees and partner organizations:

Services provided through a MiSTEM grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Education.

Page last modified January 17, 2025