Outstanding Thesis Awards
Each Fall and Winter semester, the IRIS Department recognizes two Integrative Studies (formerly Liberal Studies) majors whose senior projects represent particularly outstanding work. The awards are announced at the Fall and Winter Senior Showcase Event. Recipients are given a small monetary prize, framed award certificate, and also have their names engraved on a commemorative plaque that is permanently displayed in the second floor gathering room of Lake Ontario Hall on Grand Valley's Allendale Campus.
The Wendy J. Wenner Thesis Award
The Wenner Award is given to work that embodies the spirit and legacy of Dr. Wendy J. Wenner. Dr. Wenner first taught in GVSU's English Department before being named as the founding Dean of Grand Valley's new College of Interdisciplinary Studies in 2004, later the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies. Dr. Wenner's lifelong commitment to interdisciplinary inquiry, inclusive and equitable teaching and service, as well as her tireless commitment to supporting innovation and the transformational power of education are among her many legacies. This award is given to students whose senior projects show strong, ethical research practices, are well-written, and which demonstrate work that is both academically excellent and that has "real-life" application.

Wendy J. Wenner
Founding Dean, Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Stanley Krohmer
Senior Affiliate Faculty (Retired)
The Stanley Krohmer Senior Project Award
The Krohmer Award is given to work that honors the creative spirit, commitment to critical inquiry, innovation, and community-mindedness that can be seen throughout Professor Stanley Krohmer's life and work. A long-time faculty member in IRIS (formerly Liberal Studies), Professor Krohmer has been recognized not only for his outstanding teaching but for his own tireless commitment to lifelong learning as part of a larger creative, engaged community of artists, writers, and scholars. Professor Krohmer is also an award-winning painter and photographer, much beloved by colleagues and students alike. This award is given to students whose senior projects take a creative approach to their subjects, whether through writing, visual, or other multimedia approaches and celebrates the way the humanities can enrich all aspects of human experience.
Winter 2022 - Melinda Stein and Heather Brewer
Melinda Stein, Wendy J. Wenner Senior Thesis Award for "Lady and the Linguist: Language Ideology Shifts in the Land of Ooo"

Heather Brewer, Stanley Krohmer Senior Project Award for "Writing Inclusive and Diverse Narrative Fiction"
Fall 2021 - Jenna Johnson and Brielle Friar

Jenna Johnson Wendy J. Wenner Senior Thesis Award for "The Gendered Differences in Diagnosing ADHD"

Brielle Friar Stanley Krohmer Senior Project Award for "Accessibility to Doula Care"
Winter 2021 - Madison Couch and Lindsey Wylie-Groen

Madison Couch Wendy J. Wenner Senior Thesis Award for "A Crisis at the Border"

Lindsey Wylie-Gruen Stanley Krohmer Senior Project Award for "ABA Therapy: Controversy and Reconciliation"
Fall 2020 - Natasha Stewart and Grace Branding

Natasha Stewart Wendy J. Wenner Senior Thesis Award for "Returning to Knowing, and Teaching the Old Ways"

Grace Branding Stanley Krohmer Senior Project Award for "An Anti-Racist Reading Guide for White People"
Winter 2020 - Amanda Niswander and Ivy Baillie

Amanda Niswander (left) Wendy J. Wenner Sr. Thesis Award for "Buildling Communities for Restorative Justice" and Ivy Baillie (right) Stanley Krohmer Senior Project Award for "Identity and Amateur Literature"
Fall 2019 - Benjamin Scott-Brandt and Kate Willett

Benjamin Scott-Brandt, Wendy J. Wenner Award for "Functions of Behavior in Secular Student Communities"

Kate Willett, Stanley Krohmer Award Fall 2019 for "Mindfulness Curriculum"
Winter 2019 - Erica Ramos

Wendy J. Wenner Award
Erica Ramos (middle)
Thesis Title: Earthship Technologies: The Environment and Housing Equality
Fall 2018 - Shanna Turner and Leah Fast

Wendy J. Wenner Award
Shanna Turner
Thesis Title: Crimes Unreported

Stanley Krohmer Award
Leah Fast (second from right)
Thesis Title: Identity
Winter 2018 - Lisa Castro and Waverly Sisson
Wendy J. Wenner Award
Lisa Castro (far right)
Thesis Title: Is Architecture Compassion Made Visible?
Exemplifying Our Way of Building
Outstanding Religious Studies Award
Waverly Sisson (second from left)
Thesis Title: Tritiya-Prakriti:
Queering Religious Studies
Fall 2017 - Timothy Novak

Thesis Title:
A New and Holier Love:
Intersectional Narratives in Postbellum Southern Commemoration
Area of Focus:
Politics of Memory
Winter 2017 - Christopher "Pez" Lopez

This research focused on understanding the various levels of social justice activism one could take part in as well as outlined an often unspoken of activist, the Influential Insider, and how they best can implement systemic change in a system. Various texts were analyzed and provided the base for the levels of activism and plan of action for the aforementioned Influential Insider. The research focuses on the idea that, to create true systemic and sustainable change in broken systems or institutions, there must be an Influential Insider to aid in the implementation of change. True systematic change only occurs when those seeking change understand the motives, intentions, culture, and people of an institution of system.
Fall 2016 - Erin Donnelly & Marc Lehman

Erin Donnelly
Thesis Title:
Outdoor, Experiential Education:
The Implementation of Lesson Plans in the Classroom
Area of Focus:
Environmental Action, Policy, and Communication

Marc Lehman
Thesis Title:
Questions on the relationship between narrative identity and hermeneutic design
Area of Focus:
Linguistics and Design Anthropology
Winter 2016 - Cody Gallagher

Thesis Title
Not Milk: A Feasibility Study
Area of Focus:
Sustainable Food Systems and
Small Business Management
Fall 2015 - Marisol Menken
Thesis Title
Education and Racism
Area of Focus:
Equal Opportunities &
Social Advocacy
Winter 2015 - Leslie Boker

Thesis Title
Treatment of Trans Characters in
Japanese Sequential Art and Animation
Area of Focus:
Japanese Language and Culture
Fall 2014 - Natalie DePyper
Thesis Title:
Talk Isn’t Cheap; It’s Powerful
Area of Focus:
Community Development and
Cultural Integration
Winter 2014 - Suzanna Katerberg

Thesis Title:
Extending Domestic Violence Advocacy for
Incarcerated Battered Women
Emphasis Area:
Leadership and Advocacy
Fall 2013 - Julie A. Kane

Thesis Title:
An Integrative Approach to Discovering the Benefits of
Environmental Education and Nature Experiences
Emphasis Area:
Environmental Leadership
Winter 2013 - Annette M. Nelson
Thesis Title:
Biophilia: Examining Our Relationship with Nature
and its Influence on an Environmental Mindset
Emphasis Area:
Sociology, Psychology, and
the Environment
Fall 2012 - Kathryn Smidstra
Winter 2012 - Andrea Marz
Thesis Title:
Urban Food Deserts: An Interdisciplinary Analysis
Emphasis Area:
Sustainability in Theory and Practice:
Environmental and Social Justice
Thesis Title:
Commitment to Consciousness:
Cultivating the Capability of Mindfulness in Learning
Emphasis Area:
Education, Philosophy and
Religious Studies