Graduation Information

Applying for Graduation
Students should apply for graduation no later than the semester of INT 495 enrollment. To apply online, login to myBanner and select the "Student Records" link. Click "Apply to Graduate" and complete the online application. You may also apply to graduate in hard copy by completing the Application for Undergraduate Diploma form and submitting it the the Records Office as indicated on the bottom of the form.
Students must meet with advisors during the first 2 weeks of the semester of enrollment in INT 495 Capstone in order to review Integrative Statements and Major Study Plans with faculty advisors before submitting revised final documents to INT 495 Instructors. Advisors must sign off on the Major Study Plan. This is the first review for the audit process.
Residency Waiver - Students who complete any number of their last 30 credits at another institution will need to complete a residency waiver.
Substitutions and Waivers
Substitutions and waivers are applied after the undergraduate application for diploma is submitted to the Registrar, when a student's academic advisor and department chair complete the graduation audit.
Ex. Students who take Internship (INT 490) instead of Practicum (INT 491) will see that the Practicum requirement for the Liberal Studies or Integrative Studies major has not been met until the audit is submitted to the Registrar. Once the substitution is made, the requirement will appear fulfilled.
Ex. Students who have taken INT 311 or 312, but whose catalog year is 2008 or older will see that the COM 202/COM 203 requirement for the Liberal Studies or Integrative Studies major has not been met until the audit is submitted to the Registrar. Once the substitution is made, the requirement will appear fulfilled.
A completed study plan must be on file before a student's audit can be processed. The emphasis area and contextual elective courses do not appear in myPath, and therefore must be verified by comparing a student's individual study plan and myPath report.
The Liberal Studies or Integrative Studies Degree and myPath
Due to the individualized nature of a Liberal Studies or Integrative Studies degree plan, myPath will not accurately reflect the emphasis area and contextual elective courses as indicated in the study plan until the audit and study plan are returned to Records and the information is entered manually. It is important that students keep a copy of their study plan and track their degree progress throughout their academic career.