Each March, Grand Valley's Teaching & Learning with Technology Symposium provides an opportunity for faculty to showcase how they're putting technology to use in their teaching. Faculty and staff from across the university gather for this afternoon of fun, food, and presentations. Symposiums also include a keynote speech from leading figures in the field of instructional technology.
Each Symposium also includes the formal presentation of the university's Teaching & Learning with Technology Award, awarded by the Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center. Whether you're looking for ideas and simply want to celebrate your colleagues' accomplishments, this is an opportunity not to be missed.
Symposium Co-Sponsors
IDeL and the Grand Valley eLearning and Emerging Technologies team are proud to welcome the following co-sponsors for this year's Symposium:
Program Information for 2016-2017

Thomas Tobin
- Author and speaker on quality in higher education
Keynote Address
- "Universal Design for Learning: Way Beyond Disabilities"
Schedule: March 22, 2017
Location: Pew (Downtown) Campus
10 a.m. - Noon
- Breakout Sessions
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
- Symposium welcome
- Acknowledgement of FTLC Technology award winners
- Keynote Address
2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
- Faculty e-poster presentations
2016-2017 Pew Teaching with Technology Award Winners

Erica Hamilton
Assistant Professor / Education
Leveraging technology to support student learning is a philosophy at the heart of Erica Hamilton's teaching in the College of Education. She knowledgably and skillfully designs experiences for students who are learning to be teachers themselves. In this complex arena, she builds relationships and connects new knowledge with existing expertise. Colleagues note that she is a leader in her college and on campus both in teaching with technology and in sharing this constantly changing field via campus conversations and scholarship. Students appreciate her passion, enthusiasm, and willingness to help them apply what they are learning in their own classrooms. Not only do they engage with the technology as students, they learn to use best practices in their own professional endeavors.

Sr. Lucia Treanor
Senior Affiliate Faculty / Writing
Sister Lucia states, "I see each of my students as a unique and unrepeatable person." While teaching writing, her methods include incorporating high expectations and diligent editing. She is recognized for demonstrating excellent traditional classroom methods of lecturing, as well as the ability to use technology to facilitate the learning. By using online software and computerized data resources, she allows her students to become uniquely engaged in the writing process. She creates websites, videos, utilizes clickers, and incorporates audio feedback into the editing process for her students. She has a long history of reviewing ever-emerging technology to assess its value in her classroom and sharing this expertise generously with others.
Morning Breakout Sessions
Rachel Anderson
- English
- Using Blackboard's Peer Assessment Tool
- DEV 117E, 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Michael Ricco
- Management
- Developing and Using Light Board Content in the Classroom
- DEV 119E, 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Julia VanderMolen
- Allied Health Sciences
- DYI: Tools for Captioning Online Video
- DEV 117E, 10:40 a.m. – 11:10 a.m.
Susan Strouse
- Nursing
- Use of PlayPosit as a Pre-writing Learning Activity
- DEV 119E, 10:40 a.m. – 11:10 a.m.
Maureen Wolverton
- Liberal Studies
- Using Videos to Facilitate Student Presence in Online Classrooms
- DEV 117E, 11:20 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Andrew Topper
- Education
- Improving student success in distance education courses: What does the research suggest?
- DEV 119E, 11:20 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Joel Allison
- Blackboard Corporation
- Blackboard Roadmap
- DEV 121E, 10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.
Calvin Boekhoven and Matt Dennis
- TechSmith Corporation
- The All New Camtasia
- DEV 121E, 11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Faculty ePoster Sessions
Meagan Luttenton-Knoll
- Management
- Putting Up Walls To Engage Students
Sister Lucia Treanor
- Writing
- Writing with Technology
Erica Hamilton
- Education
- Vocaroo: Sharing Audio Recordings & Feedback with Students
Cheryl Kautz
- Computing and Information Systems
- Tips for Designing Exemplary Courses
Cheryl Kautz
- Computing and Information Systems
- Practical examples that faculty can implement now in their Blackboard Learn course content and electronic documents to benefit all learners and improve accessibility
Lindy Scripps-Hoekstra and Julie White
- University Libraries / Writing
- Using Google Spreadsheets to Asynchronously Support Research Topic Development
Maureen Wolverton and Lane Wagner
- Liberal Studies / GVSU Student
- Using Videos to Facilitate Student Presence in Online Classrooms
Kristen Vu
- Diagnostic & Treatment Sciences
- Videos: How to create, store and share
Rachel Anderson
- English
- Peer Assessment in Blackboard
Darleen Hoffert
- Nursing
- Reinforcing Knowledge Across the Continuum
Julia VanderMolen
- Allied Health Sciences
- DYI: Tools for captioning online video
Michael Ricco
- Management
- Developing and Using Light Board Content in the Classroom
Szymon Machajewski
- Computing and Information Systems
- Amazon Alexa as a digital assistant and a tutor in the classroom
Andrew Topper
- Education
- Improving student success in distance education courses: What does the research suggest?
Susan Strouse
- Nursing
- Aiming for the "sweet spot" of interaction: humans, content, technology
Rosemary Cleveland and Michael Fillman
- Education / WGVU
- PBS LearningMedia: Your FREE Digital Resource to Support Teaching & Learning
Raymond Higbea
- Health Administration
- Hybrid video to in-class assignment
Julia VanderMolen
- Allied Health Sciences
- with Haley Ewald, Elizabeth Von Athen, and Hannah Hutchison (GVSU Students)
- The Use of Communication Software to Assist individuals with Autism
Calvin Boekhoven and Matt Dennis
- TechSmith Corporation
- The All New Camtasia
Carla Floyd-Slabaugh
- Occupational Science and Therapy Department
- Teach-nology
Sean Lancaster
- Education
- Google Classroom
Gisella Licari and Veronica Clapp
- Modern Languages & Literatures
- Building Authors in the Classroom
Russ Barneveld
- Education
- Using Swivl Technology to Analyze Teaching
Mary Banghart Therrien
- Social Work
- Using Weebly to Showcase Student Work via Personal Websites/Portfolios
Robert Rozema
- English
- Transmedia Storytelling and Literature Instruction
Bethany Welling
- Mathematics
- Teaching With a Pro and a Pencil
Kim Delafuente
- Movement Science
- Student e-Portfolios Using Weebly.com
Kevin Barrons
- Management
- Flipped Instruction Methods and Digital Technologies in the Language Learning Classroom
Patricia Bloem
- English Education
- Weebleys for (Tech) Wusses
Becky Bergakker
- Statistics
- Transitioning a curriculum from in seat to hybrid
Liz Storey
- English
- Developing an Online Learning Community with Collaborate Ultra
Kristina Mack
- Chemistry
- Come As You Are And JoinMe
Digital Studio and Technology Showcase
- Eric Kunnen, Information Technology
- Vince St. Germain, Information Technology
- Justin Melick, Information Technology
- Hunter Bridwell, Information Technology
- Leveraging Emerging Technologies to Enhance Teaching and Improve Student Success