RHA will host an event on the first Friday of the month at 1:00pm in the Holton-Hooker Multipurpose Room
Information regarding the events will be updated below!
November 4 at 1:00pm in the HHLC MPR
December 2 at 1:00pm in the HHLC MPR
About Us
The Residence Housing Association at Grand Valley State University, a registered student organization situation within and advised by the department of Housing & Residence Life, seeks to build relationships and enhance the residential student experience through leadership, service, and recognition.
RHA serves as the voice of housing, offering a platform to represent the needs and interests of all on campus residents. Students who make RHA part of their GVSU experience gain relevant experience in collaboration, event planning, marketing, and administration while connecting with students from across campus.
RHA is one of 49 affiliated institutions within GLACURH at the regional level and one of 759 affiliated institutions within NACURH at the national level. Members of RHA are eligible to participate in regional and national conferences as part of the GVSU delegation.
Annual Events
RHA sponsors several annual events across campus including:
Welcome Week Programming
Family Weekend Pancake Breakfast
Haunted Arboretum
St. Patrick's Day Programming
Sibs n Kids Weekend Pancake Breakfast
Project Donation
Additional 2021-2022 Efforts Include:
Labor Day Weekend Programming
Lobby Refresh
Previous Years Programming Includes:
Drag Show
President's Ball Salon
Exam Cram Sip 'n Study
ABC's of RHA
GLACURH - Great Lakes Affiliation of College and Residence Halls
OCM - Our Campus Market (Campus Market)
OTM - Of The Month
NACURH - National Association of College and University Residence Halls
NCC - National Communication Coordinator
NRHH - National Residence Halls Honorary
NRHH CC - National Residence Halls Honorary Communications Coordinator
RBC - Regional Business Conference
RHA - Residence Housing Association
RLC - Regional Leadership Conference (GLACURH)