Central Middle School

Central MS 2021-2022

Project Description:
For the outdoor classroom portion of this project, students first identified areas on campus they felt would make good locations for core teachers to take their students to learn. These outdoor classrooms needed work—students created trails, signs, seating areas, and cleared invasive and dead plants from the area. In an effort to inform teachers, students created documents to pitch the classrooms. For the second portion of the project, students created an overwintering bird habitat by identifying an an area of mowed turf grass outside the classroom that could be repurposed to give some birds food, water, and shelter in the winter. Their goal was to lessen the mowing area on the CMS campus and to give students a view from the indoors they can learn from throughout the year.

Fostering Lifelong Stewardship:
Students learned that through hard work, they can restore habitat that benefits wildlife and themselves.

Grand Rapids Jr. Audubon Club, Brett Black



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Showcase Video:

Page last modified December 14, 2022