
Summer Institute for Climate Change Education by Climate Generation

Summer Institute for Climate Change Education by Climate Generation

Date and Time

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Join us for a virtual conference on climate change education with educators from across the country! Gain the skills, tools, and resources to teach climate change in all subject areas.

We are thrilled to announce the addition of a cohort model to this year’s summer institute!

13 regional partners across North America are working to create an innovative, collaborative, and solutions-focused virtual conference with our team. Each of these cohort leaders are climate change education experts within their communities, and we are incredibly excited and fortunate they will be joining us this summer. Our cohort partners will each lead mini-workshops on day two of the Institute, focusing on climate change impacts, solutions, and relationships across their regions.


This three-day Institute is structured to allow time for learning and national networking on the first and last days. Educators will attend a regional cohort workshop facilitated by a regional cohort leader on the second day to focus on place-based climate change education and the need for ongoing support throughout the year. This small group of 20-50 educators will explore local impacts, actionable solutions, connections to local experts, and planning and networking. All aspects of the Institute will be held virtually.

Schedule details coming soon.

Technology Needs

In order to participate fully, we require each participant to have a computer with access to the internet, microphone, and camera. You will need to access Zoom as the video conferencing platform. Pre-Institute tutorials and training on how to use the virtual platforms will be available.

Date: July 28–30, 2021
Registration Deadline: July 19th, 2021
Location: Virtual
Registration: $250

  • 20 Hours of Continuing Education
  • Membership to Climate Generation’s Teach Climate Network; includes ongoing support throughout the year through teaching tips, resources, training, and online community networking with educators
  • Access to the Teach Climate Network Hub, an online platform for members to connect and learn
  • Monthly Teach Climate Tips in your inbox
  • Free resources and curriculum to help you teach climate


This event also occurs on 7/29/21 and 7/30/21

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Page last modified May 19, 2021