The following publications from the AAC&U are offered for your reading pleasure.

AAC&U Statement on the Lumina Foundation for Education's Proposed Degree Qualifications Profile

College Learning for the New Global Century - a report from the National Leadership Council

Creating a Culture of Integrative Faculty Development by Adrienne Bloss, Paul Hanstedt, and Susan Kirby

Creating the "Complete Scholar": Academic Professionalism in the 21st Century by Linda McMillin 

The Experience Of Liberal Education by Edward L. Ayers 

How is Innovation Taught? On the Humanities and the Knowledge Economy  by Dan Edelstein

How Teachers Need to Deal with the Seen, the Unseen, the Improbable, and the Nearly Imponderable by Marshall Gregory 

Integrative Learning: Setting the Stage for a Pedagogy of the Contemporary by Veronica Boix Mansilla.  This one-page article summarizes some of the arguments supporting the idea of an integrative "GE capstone" experience.

Intentional and Integrated Learning in a New Cognitive Age: A Signature Pedagogy for Undergraduate Education in the Twenty-First Century by June Youatt and Kim A. Wilcox

LEAP Vision Flyer  Just for reference, this flyer presents the larger connections between the LEAP goals, high-impact educational practices, and the "intentional" student learner.

Liberal Arts Education and the Capacity for Effective Practice: What's Holding Us Back? by Diana Chapman Walsh and Lee Cuba

The Power of Experiential Education by Janet Eyler

Practicing Liberal Education: Formative Themes in the Reinvention of Liberal Learning by Carol A. Schneider.  This brief statement from the president of the AAC&U presents three "formative themes" in the 21st-century reinvention of liberal learning.

The Quality Imperative: Match Ambitious Goals For College Attainment with an Ambitious Vision for Learning - AAC&U  This is a very brief overview, from 2010, of the arguments for "greater expectations" as well as greater educational access, and for the integration of liberal education and workforce learning.

Race Conscious Student and the Equitable Distribution by Shaun R. Harper

Toward Intentionality and Transparency  by Rita C. Kean, Nancy D. Mitchell, and David E. Wilson

What Students Say About Liberal Education at GVSU  by Diana Pace, Catherine Frerichs, Tamara Rosier, and Kurt Ellenberger






Page last modified August 11, 2014