Katya Grokhovsky, artist-in-residence, has an installation at 106
Gallery in Grand Rapids through January 31.
Photo Credit:
Veronica Anderson
Katya Grokhovsky, Grand Valley’s Padnos distinguished
artist-in-residence, opened her installation, “My American Dream,” at
a Grand Rapids gallery with a performance and will add additional
pieces until the show concludes on January 31.
The installation is at 106 Gallery, Avenue for the Arts, at 106 S.
Division Ave. Grokhovsky said this project was based on her central
theme of home, displacement and alienation.
“It is a combination of projects that I have previously worked on,
projects that I have started here, and new iterations of my ongoing
theme," Grokhovsky said.
The performance included screaming, rage and humor. Grokhovsky said
that even though her work is extremely serious and often speaks to
traumatic collective events, she always adds humor. The performance on
January 16 will be shown in a video at the closing reception on
January 31, from 5-8 p.m.
“The installation is based around a previously made sculpture that is
a tiny mobile home on wheels, constructed to the measurements of my
height and span of my arms,” said Grokhovsky.
goal of her residency was to collaborate with local partners and
complete a solo exhibition. This installation was a partnership with
the Avenue for the Arts at a midway point in her residency at GVSU.
Her next event will be a screening/lecture on March 20 at the Grand
Rapids Art Museum.
Grokhovsky has traveled extensively. She immigrated to Australia from
Ukraine when she was 15 years old. She received two degrees in fashion
design and painting from two universities in Melbourne, Australia.
After graduating, she moved to Chicago to earn a master of fine arts
degree then settled in New York City, working in many capacities in
the art world and academia.