HTM faculty members Scott Rood, left, and John Lipford were
co-authors of an article published in the Journal of Tourism Insights.
Faculty and staff members who have given presentations, were
recognized for outstanding contributions or had their research
published are detailed below. The campus community can submit
a sketch online for future publication.
In the News Kara Van Dam, vice president and chief executive for
Omni, discusses the renovations to Battle Creek's Kendall Center and
GVSU's impact in Southwest Michigan, which will include space for
staff and classrooms to accommodate working-age adult learner, in a
Voices of Calhoun County podcast that aired on WBCK FM.
Tamara Shreiner, director of CLAS PK-12 Initiatives,
PCKET and associate professor of history, and Bradford
Dykes, associate professor of statistics, received a Teaching
with Primary Sources grant from the Library of Congress Professional
Learning and Outreach Initiatives Office for a project, "Teaching
Critical Data Literacy through the Slow Reveal Method and Primary
Source Data Visualization."
Deborah Herrington, director of the CLAS Center for
Experiential Learning and professor of chemistry, gave a presentation,
"Telling Your Science Story," at the annual Research
Symposium in Stress Biology hosted by Michigan State University's Cell
and Molecular Biology Program.
CECI faculty members Megan Freudigmann (pictured) and Sheryl Vlietstra were interviewed for a story about a partnership that gives future teachers books for their classrooms in exchange for volunteer hours.
Kevin Strychar, professor of water resources, gave a media interview about how climate change impacts the Great Lakes; John Weber, professor of geology, received an award from a research foundation.
Travis Kulpa, assistant professor of management, received the 2024 Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.