November 9, 2021 (Volume 45, Number 6)

Complete with 'doggles,' service dog accompanies student to lab

Student says Zeek helps her be independent by assisting with effects of a sleep disorder.


November 9, 2021 (Volume 45, Number 6)
Article by Peg West

Prototype of medical device used for screening tests developed by aMDI students, staff

The device would improve screening tests for women, like a pap smear.

November 9, 2021 (Volume 45, Number 6)
Article by Michele Coffill

Faculty and staff sketches

Faculty and staff members are recognized for published research, presentations, media interviews or other accolades.

November 9, 2021 (Volume 45, Number 6)

Students create wheelchair to help three-legged dog

Students in the Biomedical Engineering Society designed the device as part of the organization's community outreach.

November 9, 2021 (Volume 45, Number 6)

GVFaces: David Sinn

Sinn has taught in Tasmania and led university and federal research projects.

November 9, 2021 (Volume 45, Number 6)

Graduate's research on philanthropy receives national recognition

Harkema's research examined the philosophy behind philanthropy and how autonomy influences philanthropic missions, decisions and goals.  

November 9, 2021 (Volume 45, Number 6)
Article by Brian Vernellis

The GVSU Forum is published by University Communications; it is distributed bimonthly during the academic year and monthly during the spring/summer semesters. Send publication items to Michele Coffill, editor, c/o [email protected]. Web:

University Communications Staff:
Thomas Chavez social media coordinator
Michele Coffill editorial director
Bill Cuppy assistant vice president, UComm – Creative and Multimedia Services
Sarah Dudinetz  social media manager
Ronda Huster university communications assistant
Katherine Kemp motion graphic designer
Chris Knape assistant vice president, UComm – Media and Public Relations
Dave LeFurge-McLeod senior videographer
Darius Mathis video/multimedia producer
Tony Packer associate director of video and multimedia
Julianna Schrier  social media coordinator
Corey Stamps  multimedia project specialist
Kendra Stanley-Mills associate director of photography
Brian Vernellis senior writer
Peg West  director of digital strategy and media relations
Samantha Drougle, student writer

Other University Communications publications:
Grand Valley Magazine, flagship publication for GVSU; visit 
GVNext, digital publication; visit , for daily news updates and video features