Pew FTLC - English 400 Curriculum Redesign Faculty Learning Community
The English faculty who teaching English 400: Critical Issues in K-12 Literacy will work to redesign some of the curriculum for English 400 as well as create a community engagement partnership and project that we hope will become a key part of the course. The new English 400 is expanded to include our Secondary English majors and it will have a strong focus on preparing future English and Language Arts teachers to work with those populations that tend to be least well-served by our education system: English Language Learners, speakers of Black English or other non-dominate English dialects, students of color and students growing up in poverty. This Faculty Learning Community will identify and then begin to build a relationship with a community partner that would benefit from having the assistance of GVSU students in their regular programming and would offer our students th chance to work with people from the populations listed above.
Silver Level Criteria
To earn a silver badge, participate fully in this semester-long Faculty Learning Community and submit a Faculty Learning Community Participation Grant Final Report via the online grant system within 30 days of the final meeting.
Gold Level Criteria
To earn a gold badge, complete the silver badge and then provide evidence of continued implementation or dissemination related to the FLC, either through a development of a new course, invited campus presentation, conference presentation or publication. No deadline.
To earn a gold badge as an FLC facilitator, participate in a facilitator orientation session and submit a reflection about the experience of serving in this leadership capacity. For those unable to attend a face-to-face session, submit an additional written reflection on the assigned orientation readings.
Issued in 2017