Welcome to Experience Matters!

A collection of internship and co-op experiences completed by Grand Valley students.

Grand Valley students are doing amazing things through professional experiences outside the classroom. This site gives viewers an inside look at these experiences. See some spotlighted experiences below, or click on View Experiences above to find more!

Experience Matters Experience List

USPBL Marketing Internship Experience

Rebecca, Sport Management

This summer I had the opportunity to work in the marketing department for USPBL. Throughout the season I have written ad reads for local radio stations and assisted in writing press releases. On game...

Oasis of Opportunity

Cameron, Health Professions

Through my time at Oasis I had the opportunity to shadow many medical practitioners (PA, MD, DO, and NP), observe/participate in the administration side of healthcare, assist in writing stories for...

Gazelle Sports Young Athletes Intern

Zach, Sport Management

I was the Gazelle Sports Young Athlete Intern. I did a lot in this role. I was in contact with a great deal of high school coaches in west Michigan. I setting team nights with these coaches. During...

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Page last modified June 5, 2015