Dematic Co-Op I


Dematic Co-Op I

Experience Information

Employer: Dematic
Job Title: Mechanical Engineering Co-Op
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Dematic is a worldwide engineering company that focuses on improving efficiency and logistics processes through the use of integrated systems, services, and products. With an exceptional track record, Dematic has developed and implemented over 4,500 world-class integrated systems for some of the worlds biggest companies such as Amazon, Walmart, etc. Dematic Solutions include Sortation and Conveying systems, Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems, Automated Guided Vehicles, etc.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

During my time at Dematic I have worked on a wide variety of engineering tasks. I work primarily on the Walmart Mechanical Engineering team which focuses on the design of conveying and sortation systems for Walmart Distribution Centers. I have also had the opportunity to work on the Amazon Mechanical Engineering team which specializes in the design of conveying and sortation systems for Amazon Fulfillment Centers. My responsibilities at Dematic have been diverse. The majority of my time is spent on AutoCAD and Maestro, two of Dematic's primary CAD programs. Using these programs I spend time developing and updating drawings. I have worked on system layout drawings which describe the system's design in detail, and have also worked on installation drawings. These installation drawings are sent to Dematic's installation teams on jobsites to guide them through the installation process of the new systems. I have also spent time assisting lead project engineers with their project needs.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

During my first Co-Op experience I have learned a substantial amount about Dematic and their products/processes. Dematic's work environment promotes a high level of communication between departments, engineers, and managers. Due to this, I have been able to practice and advance my communication skills in the workplace. Through the responsibilities that I have been given, I have been able to progress my skills in a variety of areas including problem solving, time management, computer aided design, and more.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this Co-Op experience was when I was given the opportunity to travel to our jobsites alongside Dematic engineers. During this time I was able to learn so much from the other engineers and from seeing the system operate in person. I also enjoyed how I was provided with valuable project orientated work. Dematic does a great job of encouraging their Co-Op students to learn by giving them meaningful responsibility. Through my experience and conversing with other Dematic Co-Op students it is clear that Dematic provides their Co-Op students with an excellent experience through treating them like a full-time engineer and a member of their team.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

My experience at Dematic has given me the opportunity to grow as an aspiring engineer in ways that the classroom cannot accommodate. I believe that this growth will help accelerate me closer to accomplishing my career goals. My first semester has also affirmed how great of a company Dematic is. Dematic provides a great opportunity for their students to develop themselves in the workplace while attending school.

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