Software Associate Position


Software Associate Position

Experience Information

Employer: Michigan Software Labs
Job Title: Associate
Major: Computer Science
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Michigan Software Labs is a software consultancy that specializes in building and supporting mobile applications. They started in 2010 and have around 30 full-time employees.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I worked with another Associate (Intern) on some internal projects for Michigan Labs. We built new features for their Vue web application that they use to keep track of all the scheduling and hours and time tracking for employees. Some of the features I worked on included building slack notifications based off requirements and sending emails with specific reporting results. I worked mostly with python and the backend side of things.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learnt a lot about Python and the backend framework Flask and setting up endpoints and how to configure api endpoints. I also learnt about Vue and typescript and how the backend relates to the frontend. I built some buttons and customized some frontend features.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Working with my immediate team, Ky and Amanda on specific problems and having our morning meetings to just catch-up what we were doing. I also really enjoyed the office and the coaching sessions with Amanda.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals


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