Engineering Co-op at Gill Industries


Engineering Co-op at Gill Industries

Experience Information

Employer: Gill Industries
Job Title: Engineering Co-op
Major: Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Gill Industries is a global supplier of precision-engineered assemblies to the automotive, furniture, and multi-use vehicle industries. We have locations in the US, Mexico, and Ireland, and have partnerships expanding throughout Asia and Europe.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

During my second term as an engineering co-op at Gill Industries, I continued to gain a wide variety of skills and exposure. I rotated through four week intervals in product engineering, manufacturing engineering, quality engineering, and program management. I was able to design and manufacture prototypes for test fixtures, benchmark competitive products, develop an error detection system on an assembly line, learn how to run machines, and help with quality control. I was even able to collaborate with the other co-ops on small projects.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Working in multiple departments allowed me to connect with practically everyone in the plant and corporate center. If I ever needed assistance on a task, I new who to contact. As I spent a lot of time on the manufacturing floor this term, I was able to learn more about the technology involved in our processes. The larger projects that I worked on helped develop my critical thinking and design skills as well.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Compared to last term, I felt more like a regular employee, rather than just a co-op. I was tasked with bigger projects and felt more confident about the decisions I had to make on the job. I was also able to be around the other co-ops more, which was enjoyable.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience allowed me to learn about my likes and dislikes in the engineering world. I have a better understanding of how the automotive industry works and the role I plan on taking as an engineering professional.

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