Software Engineering at Liqid Inc.


Software Engineering at Liqid Inc.

Experience Information

Employer: Liqid Inc.
Job Title: Embeddd Systems Intern
Major: Computer Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Liqid Inc. is a small to medium sized startup based in Broomfield, CO that focuses on composable infrastructure. Liqid provides a solution for customers that need to be able to "compose" bare-metal machines via software, called LiqidOS. Liqid also produces PCIe mass storage devices, PCIe switches, and other server components.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

As an Embedded Systems Intern at Liqid, I worked with the software team to create a conversion program that will read devices' states from a previous version of LiqidOS, and translate those states to be compatible with a newer version of LiqidOS. This way, a user does not run the risk of re-instantiating all of their connected devices, alongside losing their data. I have also performed a data mine of production of 2018 storage devices to determine a pass/fail threshold for a quality control script. This determined if the device created does not meet the speed and functionality standard.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Through this co-op, I have gained tremendous knowledge on UNIX programming and utilities, data analysis, quality control methods, and industrial-grade program design.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this co-op experience was to see my colleagues' backgrounds and see the opportunity that lies ahead of me, no matter what my title is. It was amazing to hear about their backgrounds and where they landed in the industry. It showed me the idea of finding your strength and using that to take off in the direction of your dream.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience was an enlightenment above all other things. It allowed me to discover what I like doing most and start focusing on building my knowledge on what I love doing. Most people entering college have tunnel vision on what they want to do, but haven't had the opportunity to actually see what that field is actually like. No matter if it's an internship or co-op, mandatory or not, it is enlightening to dive in to your desired field and see what opportunities lie ahead.

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