Third JR Co-op Finishes Strong!


Third JR Co-op Finishes Strong!

Experience Information

Employer: JR Automation
Job Title: Concept and Cost Development
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

JR Automation Technologies, LLC staffs ingenious, qualified professionals who design and build solutions for efficiency and speed, customized for your specific needs. Whether that means machines or process development, we are rapidly expanding to serve a variety of industries and provide smart, lean solution to your challenging project.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

This semester I worked in the quoting department at JR Automation. I worked with multiple quotes all in the hundred thousand ranges and a few ranging in a couple million dollars. I worked with some quotes that have come back for a new quote and some that have been passed around without any firm grounding for the most part. Some of the quote I developed concepts from ground up and devised cost worksheets reflecting the anticipated costs plus the margin of gain JR looked to make.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I learned how to take these concepts in a piece-wise fashion rather than to try and tackle the whole quote at one time. I learned how to graphically convey my ideas and ideas of others to a customer without over promising or leaving room for confusion. Working with companies gave me an appreciation for how vastly different they operate and the theories under which decisions are made. This semester was very beneficial in developing me as an Engineer.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Some of my favorite applicable phrases I learned this semester that apply to Quoting are: "The price is not the value and the value is not in the price" "They don't know what they need just what they want" "You need to know what you don't know"

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I plan to use the experience of this semester and my 2 previous semesters to gain a job in the automation industry.

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