Design Intern Semester 2


Design Intern Semester 2

Experience Information

Employer: JR Automation
Job Title: Design Engineer
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Thriving on innovation, while building on the solid foundations of experience, JR Automation Technologies, LLC rose from its modest one man, one shed origins to become a leading capital equipment designer and manufacturer throughout the world. We are staffed to design and build solutions that are a part of your overall strategy - machines that have lean thinking hardwired into them at the point of conception. JR Automation is a company based out of Holland providing unique automated solutions for many different manufacturing product lines. The solutions typically use robotics with other standard equipment such as motors, servos, actuators, and various other pneumatic, hydraulic, and electrical components. Combined with these mechanical components are countless sensors to relay what is happening in the cell to the PLC.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

This semester I worked as a full time design engineer on a project team with builders, controls engineers and a project manager. I completed a full line for redesigning an existing work center from ground up. I incorporated various design concepts such as multilevel assembly fields and change out plates. I was able to complete 5 individual work stations and 2 end of arm tools for ABB robots with a changeover docking station. I saw this job from the first kickoff meeting until the last design was released.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Without anyone to fully walk me through a complete design I relied much on the knowledge I gained in my first semester working on a simple prototype station. I learned more about the design process than I ever thought I would and also greatly increased my knowledge of how to use Pro-E (CREO 2.0) to its full advantage. Switching from using SolidWorks to Pro-E was not very difficult and when I really learned to use more what Pro-E had to offer I now prefer it. JR Automation is committed to using interns to their full potential and really grow them into highly competent engineers. For the most part you will notice that you won't be treated like an intern at JR and therefore will be expected to perform at a higher level.

Favorite Part of the Experience

I enjoyed this semester even more that the previous. I enjoyed every different thing in the design process for nearly the entire co-op semester. The thing I enjoyed most, however, was the responsibility I was given on a six figure project. While at first it took me awhile to catch on and really grasp what was being asked of me, in the end I felt like given another project I could hit the ground running faster than most entry level engineers.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This semester really locked in a passion for manufacturing process designing and although I have always felt a product design role would be better suited for me, I now feel either would be a great career. Working at JR really allows for you to see such a huge range of how things are made and tested. I know that working at JR will never get boring because every few months you will be doing something different. This means you will be continuously learning new things and meeting new people.

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