Gentex Glass Bending - First Round


Gentex Glass Bending - First Round

Experience Information

Employer: Gentex Corporation
Job Title: Bending Group Co-op/Intern
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Gentex Corporation is an automotive supplier, first and foremost, but more than that is an innovator in vehicle technology. They supply the vast majority of auto makers world wide with multifunction electro-chromic mirrors, interior and exterior, as well as integrating vision systems and Homelink into their interior mirror fixtures. They are on the cutting edge in adaptive lighting and transitional exterior glass, as well as the foremost supplier of curved exterior mirrors for better blind spot management. As well as automotive, they maintain a fire protection group, from which the company began, as well as recently joining Boeing in creating auto dimming windows for the 787 Dreamliner. Each product is made with ownership mentality, with hourly production staff, to engineers, to the CEO himself all owning a part of the product.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

I worked in the Glass Bending group, and to begin I, just like everyone who comes through and works at Gentex, had to learn the product. I spent two weeks on line, taking glass from flat lites, cut to basic shape, bent, cured, and inspected before moving the glass on to be coated. As all of the engineers at Gentex begin as Production Support Engineers, it's important to understand the whole process per area so that any improvements are made with a good knowledge base. I began my projects with basic line improvement items, building a guarding door, a chute for rejected glass, lots of work with 80/20 aluminum. I then began more intensive projects, like a glass inspection improvement project, where I was teamed with another intern to find a better, more efficient method to inspect glass of a certain coating. We were given free reign of our ideas and funds, and were able to come up with something that in the end may save the company quite a bit. I also was given the task of improving materials used to handle hot glass on the end of vacuum cups, doing research on each, price-justifications, and working with outside vendors to obtain samples and eventually order for production. Throughout the semester I gained more and more autonomy, taking over some continuous projects such as leveling benders, and tracking press counts, and all of the data manipulation involved

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

I gained a huge amount of knowledge and respect for how a factory operates. There is an incredible amount of effort that goes into making it run smooth, and a portion of what the engineers do is just work to keep it smooth. I gained a lot of hands-on build experience, integrating projects into processes that are already in place. My design skills in CAD also multiplied significantly, as I used SolidWorks nearly every day, whether it be working on my own design projects, or going over prints with a fine tooth comb and updating drawings to what was on the floor. I gained a lot of knowledge of the business aspect of engineering as well, as I shared an office with the frontman of finalizing the design, timeline, and manpower needed to put up two more lines.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part was gaining pure work experience. I was thrown into my first of three co-op rotations at Gentex with no experience in true engineering work, nor a factory setting, and the learning curve was steep, but I enjoyed being trusted with more and more responsibility as I learned what I needed to.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

I've learned a lot about myself, how I work with other engineers, and how I stand in a very competitive industry. I've enjoyed getting to know all of my coworkers, and I know moving forward that if I choose another place of employment, my fit within the group I'll be working with is the most important. I've also seen that an incredible team attitude, lead by a solid manager, can put out tremendously high numbers, and that's something I can aspire too as well.

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