Final co-op at Drawform


Final co-op at Drawform

Experience Information

Employer: ITW Drawform
Job Title: Manufacturing Engineering Intern
Major: Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

ITW Drawform is a deep-draw metal stamping company. Its primary customers are automotive and appliance industries. Drawform currently has between 200 and 250 full-time employees.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

My primary project this semester involved transferring several large pieces of equipment to a sister company in Connecticut. My role in this transfer has been the project manager at our facility. I did also had a couple of simple design projects which were also enjoyable.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

In this particular co-op I was able to learn a great deal about company dynamics and how the different areas of the company function. It is also my belief that during this semester I began to better understand myself and my philosophy and approach.

Favorite Part of the Experience

My favorite part of this semester was being able to work with others who were very approachable and were more than willing to give guidance. It is my firm belief that the success of a company largely depends on its employees and in this case, Drawform is very fortunate.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This co-op experience has allowed me to see the vast range of directions that one can take after engineering school. Engineering, if nothing else, teaches how to solve problems in a systematic and structured manner. This skill translates well into other business fields (supervising, sales, plant management, non-profit entities, ect.) Challenges and problems exist within every company and therefore problem-solvers are in demand.

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