PR Gal in an Investor World


PR Gal in an Investor World

Experience Information

Employer: Blackford Capital
Job Title: PR & Marketing
Major: Communications
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: No
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Blackford Capital is a private equity investor firm in Grand Rapids, MI. They acquire, manage, and grow middle market manufacturing, distribution, and service companies. They currently have seven active portfolio companies and are looking to expand through the Michigan Prosperity Fund. A fund dedicated to Michigan growth and keeping businesses local.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

One of the biggest tasks to complete was to create a social media presence for Blackford. Private equity is a tough crowd on social media but with the right content and precise timing, we were able to increase our following and provide a steady flow of content to our audience. I was also a big help in creating the regional advisory boards throughout the state of Michigan. They serve as a communicate tool to provide internal insight on businesses in Michigan that are selling or need managing assistant. I helped promote, create, and distribute three events in Michigan.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

To have a successful event, you need to have to the right people for the right event. This required a lot of research on business leaders that would be a good fit for the regional advisory boards. I gained a lot of savvy tools through LinkedIn and several research outlets that allowed you to target certain individuals based upon their activity in the community.

Favorite Part of the Experience

The challenge. I came into the internship with zero knowledge of private equity and investing. Now I am able to market our firm to key influencers and grow the business in the right directions. It was a big challenge and I had a lot to learn very quickly but it pushed me to absorb as much knowledge as possible. There were a few mistakes I made on the way but it made me so much more prepared the next time. Being one of the few girls in a private equity firm, it makes you even more focused and driven to succeed.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

This experience has definitely driven me to the right field of work I want to do in the future. Without these internships I would be stepping into interviews blind without understand the career at all. It made me explore various opportunities out there and allowed me to put my skills to the test. It was an evaluation of which skills I am the most strong in and which ones I need to work on.

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