Developing A Company For Success


Developing A Company For Success

Experience Information

Employer: Polytorx, L.L.C
Job Title: Manufacturing Engineering Intern
Major: Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering
Received Credit: Yes
Paid: Yes
Abroad: No

Description of the Organization

Polytorx, AKA Helix Steel is a fast growing company that manufactures a concrete additive which replaces metal re-bar reinforcement in concrete. It is a small company that is growing rapidly. Every part of the company is in the process of going through a complete overhaul to meet the goals and potential the company has. It is a fast paced and demanding environment to work in but very rewarding.

Description of the Tasks/Projects Completed

Developed a technical documentation format for the manufacturing facility and am training employees in technical writing and documentation for procedures within the manufacturing facility. Performing maintenance and continual improvements on the operator task entry computer system I designed and created in previous semesters. Created a new timekeeping system to replace faulty previous system. Developed a new much more robust inventory tracking computer system for the manufacturing facility that will began implementation within the next couple weeks. Performed R and D experiments for testing of the company product to allow for certification of further building standards for the product. Collaborated on Six Sigma Project with Plant Manager to assess motor power consumption of our manufacturing machines.

Skills/Knowledge Gained Through The Experience

Vastly improved technical writing skills. Improved my computer programming skills and planning significantly. Further increased my work efficiency and productivity through new time-management skills. Gained experience in advanced statistical analysis and calculation methods. Gained insights into common problems of small businesses and how they occur. Gained experience in research methods, experimentation and project planning. Developed further patience and people skills for management and leadership.

Favorite Part of the Experience

Having what I do, have a significant positive impact on the company. Because the company is small and I have shown myself as capable, I have been given projects that influence the entire company on a regular basis. It is very rewarding to see my hard work and ideas planning a significant role in the daily actions of the company. Additionally, being able to work hand in hand with the plant manger as well as the owner allowed me to place my self in their shoes and get a picture of what they are experiencing on a daily basis. It has truly been an experience that I cannot put a price to.

How the Experience Influenced Future Career Goals

It has further opened my eyes to the trials and stress that small business owners face and how massive the mountain of daily tasks can be. It has reinforced my opinion that the best way to succeed is to develop a very strong team to work with. Regardless of where my future takes me I will always make it a priority to develop a powerful team around me.

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